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After my rituals in the bathroom I go out just wearing the robe with no undergarments inside. if this robe will fall I'm fully naked.

I'm near the nightstand when the door suddenly opens. Well I know it's Lisa and I don't mind her seeing me just in robe. even I'm naked...kidding.

I mentally laugh because of my silliness.

"Hey! Sorry I didn't know you were still in a robe" she said. Lisa is so good to act innocent even she's eye stripping the robe I'm wearing.

"No it's okay. I don't mind either" I said.

Her eyes still roaming up and down in my body like a maniac monkey "Is that so? well if okay with you just stay in your robe and let's go on the balcony" she smirks.

"Isn't cold outside?" I ask.

"Yes but don't worry I'll hug you" she said and wink. she walks towards me and holds my hands for me to follow her on the balcony.

"The view is so relaxing. Isn't it?" I said as she back hugs me. I love to be in her arms. I felt at home. Shortly, safe.

"It is..." She said as she picks up the two glasses of martini and gave the one to me.

We fell into a long silence but not an awkward silence. I love the feeling of this just the two of us appreciating the view without thinking of others. Just us.

"I love you Nini" she abruptly said.

"I love you too Lili. So much" I stop thinking of what I would say "Thank you for today I enjoy it especially I'm with you. Honestly this is the first time that someone asks me like this I mean I felt special and I really did love it. but even if you did not do that I will still love it because it's you...everything you do is appreciated by me baby. Now that we're official I want you to stay by my side and trust me and lastly love me and vice versa. I love you very much Lili" I said. Once I said what I've been dying to tell her a tear finally fell on my cheeks.

You can't blame me I'm really happy.

Lisa wipes away my tears "Shh...don't cry Nini. I told you you deserve all of that. I love you too" She said held my both cheeks before leaning closer and claim my lips. She softly kisses me like my lips are the most fragile ones.

Our kiss turns into a hot kiss but still soft and tender. her hands start to roam to my body until it reaches my butt and she squeezes it. I moan.

She lifts me and carries me inside of our bedroom without breaking the kiss. She carefully places me on the mattress as her lips never leave my lips. She strips the robe I am wearing exposing my naked body.

My hands move on her own to remove her shirt. Once I successfully remove it my hands automatically glued to her tone abs as her lips start to go down on my neck trying to find my soft spot. I moan once she found it.

I'm sure that would leave a mark. I can feel her bulges in my center. her member is like screaming to go outside in her boxer.

Her kisses trail down and she starts to suck my right nipple while her other left hand doing her job to massage my breasts. I Moan in pleasure she's giving on me.

"Uhmm, fuck lisa. you're so good" I said and I feel her smirk. "Ugh! uhmmmm! ummmm" I moan.

Her lips go down on my stomach until they reach my soaking center  "You're so wet for me baby"

"Uhmm...Y-yes d-daddy....mmmm...o-onl...y for you..." She suddenly blurts out that causes her to grin even more.

What the hell Jennie?! What's with the daddy?

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