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"Boss, Manoban is still alive. Her friends rescued her" My right hand said.

"What?! I leave her there soaking with her blood! I even poison her!" I said. What the actual heck?! I thought that piece of shit was already dead!. Well while the waiter is busy talking to his colleagues I put cyanide on her drink but that waiter caught me.

I was just like 'oh she's my friend I just put some sour candy to prank her' thankfully the dumb buy it.

"Yes, but they immediately bought her to the hospital. They found her after you left a few minutes ago" he said.

"That friends of her! Really testing me!!" I yell in frustration.  I was about to leave but I remember something. "Find the Janitor of that venue last night! He saw me also the waiter and kill them both. I know they're starting their investigation. Understood?!" I said. that Janitor saw me. I remove my mask that time because my face is so bloody.

"Yes, boss! How about the guy?" I frown.
"The guy you stabbed boss! he's alive too. Did he saw you?" He asks.

"Don't mind him. He does not saw me and if ever he tells them that he's not the one who stabbed Lisa they're not going to believe him" I said and smirk evilly and go to my office while sipping wine. I suddenly remember someone that can help me to get revenge on her friend.

"Lucas!!" I called one of my Men.

"Yes! boss?"

"Call Daniel! quickly!"

Daniel is my best friend. He just got out of jail recently. that dumb got caught when I ordered him to deliver to our client the drugs. I'm thankful he shut his mouth and didn't mention that I am the drug lord.


I slowly open my eyes and was welcomed by a white ceiling. I frown and look around and that's when reality hit me. I got stabbed last night.

I was about to sit up but I groan because it hurts man! I lay back again and felt a hand on my hand. I travel my eyes to the person's arm till her face and saw my sleeping beauty. Jennie.

I slowly cress her cheek causing her to lean even more in my palm. Well, I guess my palm is warm.

I continue caressing her cheek while looking at the window. I just thought about what happened last night. I'm completely helpless at that time and also completely have no idea who it could be. All I know he's wearing a black suit and has a mask then has a masculine body. We're just the same height.

I don't remember my self fighting with others and I did? who could it be? and what is the reason why we fought? I'm really curious right know and I really want to know who the fuck stab me.

I just thought what if next time he Stab Jennie too? Just thinking of the scenario frightening me. I can't let people hurt my Jennie! I need to find that guy.

"What are you thinking?"My thoughts were cut off by Jennie. She's already awake.

"Oh! Did I wake you up? I'm sorry" I said.

"No. I really woke up so early like this time. 7 Am" she said.

"Come here and lay beside me" I said and move aside to give her space. She climbs on the bed and hugs me tighter "Aww!" I groan.

She moves away "Oh I'm sorry" she apologetically said.

"No it's fine. Come, hug me again. I want my lovely mandu" I said and she chuckles.

"I love you Lili!" She suddenly said.

"Awe. I love you too Nini!" I said and kiss her on her forehead.

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