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We arrived here 20 minutes ago and we split into three. But I don't know why I end up alone. I don't know If I leave them or they leave me but whatever. I don't care about myself I'm worried about my son.

Since we arrive here the gunshots never stop. I'm walking alone looking right and left to see if there's a foe. To be honest I'm kinda nervous but hell! Should I complain about it here?!.

I go inside of the fire exit. I decided to used this to go upstairs because If I go to the main stairs they might catch me.

I was walking up carefully to not to make a noise. But someone shoots at my place. I look up and saw them. I quickly hide at the wall.

They never stop firing at my spot. I let them until they're out of bullets. Once They stop firing I came out and I rained bullets on them. Serves y'all right bitches!.

"Ahhhhh!! Dumb shits!!" I said as I fire and fire at them Until I can't see them standing anymore. Of course, they've already knocked out.

I continue walking upstairs. I saw tree doors and open them one by one. I kick the first one and saw none but drugs. He's really an addict. I kick the second door and just saw drugs again. Bullshit! Where did he bring Daehan If all of this room is full of drugs?!

I sigh and Kick the third door. But I saw complete darkness. I was about to walk out when I heard someone crying. It's a cry that will break your heart. That someone Is mumbling something and I completely heard It.

"M-mom...D-Dad.." Fuck! I'm not sure If it's Lucas but I ran inside again and call him.

"L-Lucas?" I can't help but tear up. Shit!. "Come here...It's Dada." I Said. Why the hell it's completely dark!.

I heard a few steps towards me Until I felt that someone hug my legs. I didn't waste time and kneel and hug him. Even we didn't see each other face I'm completely sure It's Lucas. I can feel it.

He cried more the moment I hugged him. "It's me, Lucas. It's Dada please don't cry. We will go home now." I said I was about to carry him when someone claps loudly and the light turns on.

"Great Job Lisa Manoban!" He said and laugh evilly. Fucking Hanbin!.  He walks inside with Daniel beside him who Is smirking at us. They have 3 men to their back to so I can't move. This is so hard for me!.

"Planning to sneak your son e?" He said.

"Are you dumb?! Who're parents will leave their child with a satan like you?!" I angrily yell.

"Of course you!" He said and smirk. "Don't you remember? You left them with me in four years then you'll come again and ruin my plan? You're really something Manoban!"

"You will not get my Son and Jennie until I'm alive! You'll not get them!" I said.

"Who said I want your sons? I just want my Jennie! and to make that happen you and your sons need to die!" He said and pointed a gun at us.

"Why are you doing this to us?! Why don't you just let us be and leave us alone!" I yell.

"Because I want you to die Manoban! Since then! Since then I want to kill you but you're just lucky you're always surviving!" He said and glared at me. "But now. I'm sure you'll not survive anymore!" He said and laugh.

I felt nervous once h pointed a gun on Lucas's head. I hide Lucas at my back. "Kill me! Come on Kill me! But don't you dare touch my sons!" I said and point my gun at him and pull the trigger. But to my fate. No bullets come out. I tried to pull the trigger so many times but I'm really out of the bullet.

To my frustration, I throw the gun and look at Hanbin who Is smirking at me. "Poor Manoban. So any last word before you die?" He smirks again! Fuck him.

"Oh come on! Don't be afraid and fight with me fairly. Are you afraid to lose to me just using my strong fist huh? Are you afraid that I can kill you just using my fist?" I said and smirk.

He clenched his jaws and throw his gun at Daniel and pull up his sleeves same as me. I'll kill you satan! I will really do it!.

I told Lucas to go afar and he trembling did. Hanbin came closer to me. "Me afraid of you? Hah! You're just a weak piece of shit to me!" He said. Weak huh!.  I throw a blow to his jaw and punch him to his stomach causing him to groan.

"Who's weak huh? Are you talking about your self?" I said and kick his balls and punch him so many times until I'm already on top of him "damn you!!" I said and was about to punch for a final blow but he dodges and ends up me punching the floor hard. Shit! I feel my finger bones gave up.

He pushes me and he stands up. I'm still seating on the floor because my right fist felt numb. I didn't notice he get a wooden chair and strike it on my back. I wasn't able to dodge because I'm too late.

"Da!!!!" Lucas shouts and cried. I look at him and smile. telling him I'm okay. I felt crying once I clearly saw Lucas. He has so many wounds and he's so thin. He seems to be weak.

Hanbin pulls the hem of my collar and stands me up. "Weak huh?!" He said and punch me straight on my face. To be honest that's so hard but I need to fight.

I shake my head to ease the dizziness and stand to straighten my body even my body can't take it anymore. My back is really in pain. He was about to kick me but someone shouts.

"LUCAS!!!! LISAA!!!" Jennie!? What the hell?! How did she know about this?!.

She didn't mind the others and she runs towards Lucas and hug him as she cried.  "Well, well, well! My princess. You came!" Hanbin said and smile sweetly at Jennie. He's really are crazy.

"don't princess me! You're a devil! You betrayed me! Us!" Jennie angrily yells. She's still hugging Lucas.

"I just did this for Us princess! I thought you want to be with me and not with them?" He softly said.

"You're crazy! Never in my life! I will not choose you than my family! I love them than my self so back off stupid!" Jennie said.

"Don't you love me? We promise that we will marry each other." Hanbin said and about to cry.

"Before Hanbin! That was before! But I still thank you for cheating, because if you didn't do that I'll not meet Lisa and we will not have this family." What Jennie said trigger Hanbin. His soft mood turns to anger. He looks at us with his deathly glares.

"Oh?! You're thanking me?! You're being ridiculous Jennie!" He angrily said and laugh evilly. "If you're not going to be mine. Then I'll kill you too with your lovely girlfriend and sons!" He said.
My back Is still hurting and It's killing me.

But what surprised me is when he pointed the gun at Jennie and Lucas's spot. "I think they're first. What do you think?" he says and looks at me? I glared and him. Fuck him!

"Have mercy Hanbin! You'll regret this!" Jennie yell.

"Mercy? Mercy is not in my dictionary!" He said and pull the trigger. But I was faster than him. I hug Jennie and Lucas and receive all the bullets. He fires at me 3 times until it stops. I weakly look back and saw D.O standing there holding a gun. All men, Daniel and Hanbin are laying on the floor bloodshot.

I tried to stand still but my body felt weak and It causes me to stumble on the floor.

"LISA!!!!" Jennie said while crying hard. She hugs me tight. "Hold on Lisa. Please hold on!! Do it for us!" She said. My sight is getting blurry.

"I-It's hurts J-Jen...I'm sleepy." I weakly said.

"Don't Lisa!! Please don't!!! Where's the fucking ambulance!!!!" And that's the last thing I heard before my sight turn to black.


I just realize...Writing scene like this is so freaking hard.

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