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I open the door and we Immediately heard a voice from our living room.

"Lia! Don't climb there baby" that's my Mom.

I didn't waste time and lead this girl to our Living room. We stand a few centimeters to our living room. I look at my side and saw a girl tearing up.

"Dad! Mom!" IU said and ran towards them. My parents look at her full of shock. They didn't waste time and ran halfway and they hug IU.

I stand to my spot Froze. What the hell?! I didn't expect this scenario to happen! I just expect that this girl would be embarrassed!.

"IU...where did you go! All this time you're alive?! What happened to you?" My Dad worriedly asks. My mom is crying.

"We tried to find you IU...we thought you're gone...please forgive us" Mom said and hug IU again.

The girl was about to say something but I cut her off. "What the hell is happening?!" I yell. I look at my Dad "Who's this girl?! Huh?!"

"Calm down Lisa" he said.

"Why would I?! You claim this girl as your daughter when in fact I'm your only daughter!" I said.

"That's the truth Lisa. She's your sister"

"What are you saying?! Are you telling me you have a mistress way back huh?! Are you that greedy?! Are my mom and I are not enough to you so you have to find someone else?!" I said.

I expect he will answer me but instead. I receive a hard slap on my cheeks. I stay still and look at my mother. She slap me! She fucking slap me.

Due to anger I walk out and go straight to my car. I heard my mom and Dad Is calling me but I didn't look back. They choose that girl. Fuck! I wish Jennie is here.

I drive straight to my favorite bar. I need a drink. This night is enough.


We stand here still shock at what happened. Lisa already walks out but we just stand here like dumb.

"Jisoo...please go after my daughter. I'm worried about her" Auntie said. Was about to respond when Seulgi shout and we got startled.

"Oh my god!!! Look! Lisa and IU's video earlier at the mall went viral. Some are bashing Lisa because of her rudeness towards IU" seulgi said and let us watch the clip. We saw some of the comments too.

'I didn't know that the great Manoban Is actually rude'

'she has no heart! She makes the poor girl kneel in front of her'

'What a cruel girl. I regret being a fan of her'

'I heard that the girl is her sister. How dare her to make her sister kneel in front of her'

'What the hell?! She has a sibling?!'

"Oh my god! This is not good! Look!" Wendy said and point the TV.

Lisa is on news.

Reporter: Lisa Manoban chief executive officer of Manoban Corporation has a video in the mall with a poor girl and it went viral. Some of the netizens didn't like how Lisa treat the girl and make the girl kneel in front of her and some are shocked to know that Lisa has a sister. Is that true? Please wait for Mrs. Manoban's Statement.

We suddenly heard a sob. We look to our side and saw IU crying. "This is all my fault! If I didn't come back or make a scene earlier maybe they didn't bash my little sister" she said and cried hard.

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