Looking After Senpai (Toru Oikawa X Wizzy)

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"Hmm?" I looked up from my computer, letting the setter interrupt me.

Oikawa placed a hand on top of my head. "I know you're excited to start writing again, but you have to remember to take care of yourself too."

I rolled my chair back a bit, spinning so that I could face him. "I know, I know... but I feel really bad for being away so long... I've got four years' worth of updates to catch up on... Not to mention an entire season's worth of new characters."

Oikawa moved his hand and instead placed a hand on each side of my face. "But you still have to look after yourself! You know how you get... when you get focused on things like writing, you tend to forget to take care of yourself. You skip breakfast on a regular basis anyway... but you'll forget to even eat anything at all when you get to writing sometimes! That's very unhealthy!"

Admittedly, his accusations were right. It's always been a bad habit of mine; anytime I get really focused on something, I'll forget things as simple and important as eating or drinking.

"And you can't just drink Vanilla Coca Cola all the time! So much sugar! And don't just make the excuse that you have issues with low blood sugar! You need to have things that are healthy sometimes!"

Oikawa probably shouldn't be the one to tell me these things, but he is probably one of the most observant people I've met. I wouldn't be too surprised if he'd had similar bad habits when he focused too much on volleyball.

"I know, I know..." I gave the setter a push into the empty chair beside me. "Still, I abandoned all my readers... and I'd promised I wouldn't do that... So I need to make up for that."

Oikawa shrugged. "I don't think it's that bad. The last time you had a proper spark, you found out some terrible news." A death of a cousin who'd been close to my parents, to be more specific, but I wasn't about to get into that. "Even if you personally weren't close to them, it was bound to have some kind of effect. And life happens too."

He shifted to sit cross-legged in the chair. "A lot happens in four years. You even had to go on anxiety meds! That's a big deal." I didn't bother bringing up that I'd been in the process of going off of them now. "And not to mention your precious Knight-chan! I know he would worry about you too!

"You and the one boyfriend broke up kind of out of the blue, after all. I mean, things were going downhill for a while, but it's still a big deal. You were together almost eight years, after all.

"And not to mention that you became a staff member on a Minecraft server. I know you loved it, but it got really stressful too sometimes. Not to mention that's how you met Knight-chan!"

Thinking about it all, a lot did happen, though most of it was in the past year and a half. "The server shut down though. Owner-chan needed some personal time away. The staff kinda keeps in touch though. I'd like to talk about them in a story sometime... since they've helped me a lot."

Oikawa nodded. "You've really started to come out of your shell since meeting them. Not to mention you've also revealed yourself as a furry. And then there was that time when people were calling you a homophobe. That was super rude! Wizzy-chan could never!" He crossed his arms. "And there's also your glasses! You have to wear glasses when you read things now! I think they're cute-"

I gave him a small kick. "They're not cute. They make my nose look big and they're way too big for my face." I've been really self-conscious of how I look in my glasses. People have told me that they look fine, but I can't seem to find ones that I think look good.

"Not important! What is important is that you're finally back with all of us! And you finally finished my story! Now you've got Lev's and you've been working on Suga's story too! But you still have so many things you're trying to work on! You have to be careful to not overwork yourself!"

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