He'll Never Know (Yuu Nishinoya)

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Wizzy: Here's a Noya Soulmate AU requested by a very awesome friend of mine.

"Hey Noya," my best friend asks me as we walk home together. "Do you ever wonder what color everything is? Like what color your eyes are or which one your favorite will be?"

As much as I want to, I can't really answer that. "I don't," I say, shrugging. The reason I don't wonder is because I already knew. "I've always been able to see color, so I don't know what it's like to not know."

"Wait, so you mean you've already met yours?" They say that when you meet your soulmate, you suddenly start seeing the world in color. If I can see color, it's supposed to mean that I've already found my soulmate.

I frown slightly at Tanaka's words. "We met when we were little, before I knew what a soulmate was," I say, almost sighing. "But it was so long ago that I can't remember her at all."

We met on a playground when we were seven. I was running and suddenly crashed into something. When I opened my eyes, I saw everything in color. I didn't understand back then, but that girl I met that day was my soulmate.

The two of us became friends and then one day, she vanished. Now, I don't even remember who she was.

(Reader's POV)

It's been so long since that day, but I'll never forget who he is. Yuu Nishinoya, my dearest childhood friend. A simple collision linked our lives together so long ago.

I could never forget. But... it seems like he has.

Alright, so maybe I did leave back then without saying goodbye, but surely he wouldn't forget that easily. Even if he'd forgotten my name or even how I looked, he'd still remember, right?

I've thought about telling him, but I always back out. I don't have the courage to say even a word. But really, what could I say? You can't just walk up to a guy you haven't spoken to in years and say, "Hey, remember me? I'm your soulmate who abandoned you when we were kids. Let's be friends again!" Things just aren't done that way.

All I could do was watch him from a distance and hope that maybe he would remember someday.  

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