May 7th (Satori Tendo)

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Wizzy: A good majority of this is based on actual facts, so enjoy! (If you want to know if a certain thing really happened, feel free to ask!) Also, this might be slightly on the mature side, but there's really not anything happening.  

Four years. That's how long I've put up with this ass. Four years he's put up with me and my weirdness. Four years and I'm still here beside him. Well, technically I'm on top of him at this moment, but you get my point.

One kiss led to another and then to yet another. As tiring as it was, I loved kissing him. Satori's lips seemed to fit mine so perfectly and that's something I could never grow tired of. His hands slid down from my waist. But instead of taking things any further, he pulls back with a smile. One hand left its position on me and found my own.

I give his hand a light squeeze before pressing my hand flat against his. His always looked so much bigger than mine. Though we both knew that it was only because I was small. Satori loved that about me... though he did pick on me about it any chance he got.

But over the four years that we've been dating, I've learned the difference between his jokes and his seriousness. It might be hard to tell them apart, but I know it. When he's serious, I know to react in a serious way. When he's joking, I laugh and roll my eyes. Sometimes I'll even throw my own joke at him.

A smile takes over and I lean up to kiss him again. Right now I'm not in the mood for one of our playful moments. My tongue brushes his lip and he knows exactly what I want. But Satori being Satori, he just pulls away instead.

"You seem eager today," he teases, smirking at me. "Just like when we first started dating."

I wasn't exactly proud of some of our first dates... Don't get me wrong, we both enjoyed them, it's just that more happened than what should have. On the first date we were making out and he even got his hand in my pants. Second date? Saw me totally naked. After only a month of being together, we had sex for the first time.

Yeah, things definitely didn't start slow. Which makes it all the more surprising that we still maintain a good relationship as well as a decent sex life. In fact, until this past year, we hadn't even bothered to experiment much with that sort of thing.

"You're never going to let me forget that, are you?"

"Hell no," Satori says, grinning. I swear he can be such an ass sometimes. Even though it's our anniversary, he's still his usual self. "Just like I'll never let you forget that time you threw up on me while we fooling around."

I couldn't help but flinch. "You're forgetting that you totally freaked out about it like a girl." That had been my fault though; I pushed my limit a little too much and it triggered the gag reflex in the worst way. In my defense though, what he'd been doing to me at that time had pushed me to go too far.

"So?" All I could do was shake my head, laughing mentally. Satori is such an ass. "I laugh about it now." He'd also told his friends about it. I knew that because he told me that he told them. "Semi thought it was funny."

"You're terrible," I said affectionately, giving him a light peck on the lips. "But I love you anyway."

His hands found their usual place on my hips, pulling me forward to close the gap between us. Satori's lips found mine once more and we picked up exactly where we'd left off.

Satori might be an ass, but he was my ass and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Not even that super hot anime guy from that one anime. Well, maybe.

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