Switch (Toru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: This here is a little one-shot I did about Oikawa and Iwa-chan switching bodies. Also, I want to point out the picture. Iwa-chan is actually smiling! Sort of.

From the very moment I woke up this morning, something had felt off. Oikawa had stayed over last night and he'd somehow ended up in my bed and I was now on the floor; the opposite of how it was when we'd both gone to bed. That was what usually happened. But even if that was how things normally went, something important was very different.

I sat up from the makeshift bed on the floor. Something didn't feel right, but I had no idea what it could be. Shaking my head, I tried to force the thought out of my head. Then I saw it. My pajamas were different: I never wore anything that had aliens on it. But it was possible Oikawa had put them on me while I was sleeping; it wouldn't have been the first time he'd pulled a prank on me.

Standing up, I turned to wake up Oikawa and shouted out in surprise. Thankfully the house was empty besides the two of us or else this would be a real mess to explain. It wasn't Oikawa who was in my bed... it was me.

But I was standing here staring down at myself, so that couldn't be me. If that really is me, then where's Oikawa... No... Don't tell me that I'm...

No, it's probably just some prank. Oikawa just put me in pajamas that look like his and he dressed himself up to look like me. It's not like we actually switched bodies. It's just some pajamas and a wig... yeah... that's all it is...

But no matter how much I kept telling myself that, I couldn't shake the feeling of fear that was threatening to take hold of me. This wasn't real... right?

I had to test it. If Oikawa was somehow inside my body, then he'd have to react in a very Oikawa-like way if I were to hurt him. Of course, hurting my own body was not something that I really wanted to do; it was my body, after all.

Settling on something harmless, I shook his shoulder. "Five more minutes, Iwa-chan..." he mumbled sleepily before rolling over. He didn't get up. Yeah, that was Oikawa alright. Even if he was in my body and using my voice, that personality was unmistakable. This was going to be one hell of a day.

Being Oikawa was not something I'd ever desired to do. Though I will admit the extra height is pretty nice. I could now reach things that were previously just out of reach. Of course, my friend trapped in my body found the sudden drop in height quite frustrating.

But while Oikawa's body had some perks, there were so many things that I hated. Number one on that list being all his fangirls. And as payback for everything I've ever done to him in his life, I was left to suffer through it alone.

(Oikawa in Iwaizumi's body)

I hate being in Iwa-chan's body. He's short and I don't like not being tall. It's annoying. Plus Iwa-chan doesn't get any attention from any girls, so I don't have my usual crowd. I'm so lonely... why must you take everything from me, Iwa-chan?

Being me, I would love to have messed around in Iwa-chan's body. I could have stood up in the middle of a crowded room and shouted out that Iwa-chan was gay for me. I could have flirted around with a bunch of girls who I knew had boyfriends just to piss them off and get him into a fight. But I couldn't do that. Iwa-chan had control of my body, which meant that anytime I did something to him, he'd do something worse back.

Though I will say that I enjoyed watching Iwa-chan struggle with my little crowd. Oh, how he squirmed... you could tell he wasn't used to being anywhere near a girl. But once Mattsun and Makki started questioning my non-actions, I had to pretend to be Iwa-chan and rescue him.

After that, Iwa-chan and I agreed that it would be best to act like I was him and he was me. No one would believe that we'd switched bodies. Everyone might accuse me of watching too much sci-fi and take away my alien movies and everything! I might even be accused of brainwashing poor Iwa-chan, and that wouldn't be good at all!

Of course, when practice came around, things got rough. I'm great at spiking and Iwa-chan is a spiker. Being in his body didn't cause any trouble there. However, at first Iwa-chan and I had forgotten about the body swap and started off doing practice as normal. Needless to say, the sight of Iwa-chan being a setter was not something any of our teammates had expected to see.

Once we'd realized our mistake, we laughed it off as just messing around. Luckily the others bought the excuse and didn't question it any further. But once Iwa-chan started trying to do tosses, things got a bit messy.

Iwa-chan's a great volleyball player, but there's a reason he's a wing spiker and not a setter. Okay, maybe I'm part of the reason for that, but Iwa-chan's still bad at tossing. In fact, all of his tosses now were the worst I've ever seen him do.

Sadly, that did not go unnoticed by our teammates. "Hey Oikawa, what's up with you today?" They asked Iwa-chan who was in my body. This wasn't good. I had to do something.

"He's just been out of it today," I lied, praying that I sounded enough like my best friend to avoid suspicion. "I think he said something about his girlfriend dumping him last night." To make it more believable, I faked a groan. "I had to hear him whining about it all night after he just showed at my place."

Everyone seemed to buy the terrible excuse, except for the other two third years. Mattsun and Makki didn't seem convinced. They knew something was wrong, especially after the incident with Iwa-chan and my fan club. With them being suspicious, I felt nervous.

"You know, Iwa-chan," Mattsun said to me, teasingly using my nickname for the ace. "You've been acting funny today... almost like Oikawa." My heart skipped a beat. Was he just messing around or did he know?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iwa-chan flinch slightly. He hated when anyone else called him by that name. My eyes widened slightly as I realized my mistake: Iwa-chan would have told him off or something and I hadn't done anything.

Makki walked up to Iwa-chan with a smirk that I didn't like. "You know, Trashykawa." I tensed at the use of that name. Only Iwa-chan had permission to use that name. "You've been acting funny too... like Iwaizumi."

... and we're screwed. "You're imagining things." I tried to cover our slip-ups. "Oikawa," I said in as much of an Iwa-chan voice as I could, grabbing him by the arm as I passed. "I'd like to have a word with you."

The second we were alone, Iwa-chan turned towards me with an annoyed look on his face. "We're screwed," he said bluntly.

"Hey! Don't have such a negative attitude!" I scolded.

He stared a second before giving me a very fake smile and speaking with a painfully fake cheery voice. "We're screwed!"

Oh, this was going to be rough... After many attempts, we finally managed to convince Makki and Mattsun that nothing was going on. Then was everything was all over, the two of us returned to Iwa-chan's house. Luckily his mother didn't question our odd behavior. Maybe she thought we were doing this on purpose for fun.

The day ended uneventfully with me staying in Iwa-chan's room again.

When morning came, I looked down at the floor and nearly jumped for joy. Iwa-chan was asleep on the floor and in his own body. Unable to contain my happiness, I jumped on Iwa-chan, excitedly telling him to wake up.

He mumbled something that sounded a lot like, "Shut up, Oikawa." Okay, maybe he said Trashykawa, but that doesn't matter. A few seconds later, his eyes shot open. He'd realized it too. Iwa-chan smiled for just a second before hitting me in the arm and laying back down. "Go back to sleep, dumbass."

We never did figure out why it happened, but that one day was one we'd never forget.

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