You're Annoying (Kei Tsukishima)

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Wizzy: I hope Tsukki isn't out of character. Also, I just want to mention that while I was writing this, I really wanted Tsukki to just pounce on her and totally turn this into a Lemon. Such a tempting idea... but then it would have been all "you just broke her heart and now you're..." I'm gonna stop myself now before I ramble on like I've already started doing...

The moment those words had left his mouth, my heart sank. After I'd tried so hard to be friends with Tsukishima, it had been proven to be just one big waste of time. I'd never felt more pathetic in my life.

Three weeks passed by and I hadn't dared to say even a single word to him since that moment. I hadn't even done so much as look at him. But that didn't keep him off my mind. Even now, his voice and his face haunted my thoughts.

Stupid Tsukishima... I held my blanket tightly around me as I curled up on the couch. It was mostly just to help comfort myself since the weather was actually quite warm. Early summer, actually. But my depressed mood made me feel like it was the middle of winter.

Maybe I was the stupid one, whining over how I'd failed so horribly to be friends with someone who was such a jerk.

Having no school today, I intended to sit here and watch a bunch of movies to keep myself distracted. Normally I'd have watched some sappy romance movies, but what I wanted was something that was far from reality. In the end, I chose an old dinosaur movie that had a large number of scenes involving people being ripped apart by raptors and other vicious creatures. That's a good choice for my mood, right?

About fifteen minutes into it, someone knocked on the door. It was probably Yamaguchi. He'd texted me earlier asking if I wanted him to bring me some coffee from my favorite coffee place to cheer me up, but I refused, saying that I'd rather be left alone. But knowing him, he probably did it anyway since I never turned down coffee.

Grumbling a bit, I got up and walked to the door with my blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I slowly opened the door, prepared to scold my friend for not listening to me. But it wasn't Yamaguchi that was standing at my door.

Had I not been so surprised, I might have just shut the door in his face. But I wasn't like him. "Are you sick or just insane?" Tsukishima asked, staring at the blanket I wore. It was a fair question, it was summer after all, but it annoyed me. What was he doing here anyway?

"What are you-" I started to ask why he came here but noticed that something had captured Tsukishima's attention. That something was the movie I'd been watching. Did he like that one or something? I hadn't been paying attention to it when I picked it, so I didn't even know what it was. Rethinking my strategy, I looked up at him with a sigh. "Why don't you come in?"

He nodded and stepped inside, handing something to me. "Here." I took the thing from his hands and looked down at it. Coffee. I wasn't sure if I should smile or question if it was poisoned. "From Yamaguchi. He said you were feeling down and that this would cheer you up."

It was hard to believe that Tsukishima would actually be doing something this nice, even if Yamaguchi had forced him to. Taking a sip, I couldn't resist a smile. It was my favorite. "Thanks..."

I set the coffee on a nearby table and stared up at him. This couldn't possibly be the only reason he'd come here. Wait a second... how did he even know where I lived? "Yamaguchi told me where you live," he said, staring at the TV screen as he answered the question I hadn't asked yet.

Reaching for the remote, I stopped the movie. Tsukishima gave me a small glare as he turned back to me. "I thought you might want to see it from the beginning, so I was going to start it over." His expression instantly softened. Clearly, he hadn't expected that. "It's the kind of thing friends do, but since we're not friends, I guess you could say it's called being nice."

At that point, we seemed to forget about everything else as Tsukishima joined me in a dinosaur movie marathon.

Warm... I thought to myself as I sleepily opened my eyes. I fell asleep? I tried to sit straight up, but something stopped me. Looking up, I found Tsukishima's sleeping body leaning on me with one arm around my shoulder and his glasses starting to fall off his face.

Wait... his arm is... when did he...? I didn't remember him doing such a thing... Had he done that after I'd fallen asleep? I don't even remember falling asleep... What time was it? My eyes widened as I looked a the clock on the wall. It was four in the morning. I must have been out for a long time.

Turning my gaze back to him, a startling thought crossed my mind. He was actually quite cute when he slept. Snoring softly and a tiny bit of drool escaping him... glasses falling out of place... he'd never looked so peaceful or sweet. I really hated to wake him, but his family might have been worried. And it would probably look really bad if someone saw him leaving my house really early in the morning.

"Tsukishima..." I said softly as I gently shook him. Hopefully, he wasn't a heavy sleeper. He didn't move. Okay, let's try again. "Tsukki..." I called in a sing-song type of voice. Still nothing. Okay, third time's a charm, right? "Kei..."

This time, I finally got some kind of reaction: a small groan and a mumble that sounded sorta like my name. Okay, time to try something else... I leaned and brushed the tip of my nose against his cheek. Maybe that'll get his attention. He mumbled something again. I guess that wouldn't work after all.

For a second I wondered if a kiss might wake him but quickly tossed it aside. Something stupid like that wouldn't work on him. With a sigh, I tried to shake him awake. This time, he finally opened his eyes.

He blinked a few times after fixing his glasses. "I fell asleep?" he asked, still not fully awake. I had to admit, he was quite adorable in this state. Though it was a shock when his arms surrounded me, pulling me to him. Maybe he was less awake than I'd thought...

With his face nuzzled into my neck, it was hard to understand him when he spoke. "You know, you really are annoying, but..." Tsukishima came back up to look me in the eyes, confusing me. "You're more annoying when you're not with me."

He leaned in close, making me even more confused. "T-Tsukishima?" This was a bit closer than I'd ever thought he'd get to me, and it was a bit frightening. What happened to that jerk Tsukishima? That I at least knew how to handle. This? No way.

With a sigh of annoyance, he backed up a bit. "You were so annoying and persistent that I got used to you always being there..." Ah, there's the Tsukishima I knew. "So when you suddenly weren't, it made me more annoyed."

I got it now. "You could just say that you missed me, like a normal person would," I giggled a bit. "Maybe then I would have understood you the first time."

He scowled at me before pulling me close again. "Damn, you're annoying..." His lips pressed to mine, preventing me from saying anything more. "But it's more annoying when you're not with me..."

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