Pathetic (Natsu Hinata)

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Wizzy: Part of the Creature Collection that I thought you guys would like. You know, I think this might be the only Natsu story out there. Anyway, I decided to make her older since it'd be tough to do her as a kid. Plus this idea was too cute. May do a sequel to it.

It's wrong of me to feel this way; I know that very well. Our kinds are enemies, so I shouldn't feel anything but hatred towards her. But I really can't help it. I'm just a high school boy in love with a high school girl. I can't change that or what we are.

I passed by her in the hallway, but I doubt she paid any attention to me. Why would she? Everyone knows that I'm a vampire and she's a werewolf. We're not meant to even interact in any way... but I still fell for her.

I'm late for volleyball practice, but I'm not in any hurry to get there. Instead, my gaze follows her movements until she's out of sight. All I can do is sigh. This is the closest I could ever get to her... With another sigh, I start to head towards the gym, but I instantly halt when I hear a voice. Her voice. And a guy's voice.

Normally I'd have left it alone; vampires don't associate with werewolves. But when her voice sounded so distressed, I couldn't do nothing. I quickly turned around to see what was going on, and what I saw I did not like.

Natsu's back was against the wall and the guy was leaning over her. It wasn't just any guy either. This guy just so happened to be another werewolf... the alpha of the school. What was his name again? Ama-something-or-other... Amato! I would never stand a chance in a fight with that guy, but I couldn't stand back and let her be harassed.

Amato was clearly hitting on her... it was no secret that he'd been trying to get with her for a while now. Natsu on the other hand obviously had no interest in him, even if he was an alpha. She tried to push him away, but he refused to go.

I wasn't going to stand here and do nothing... I don't care if she is a werewolf, I'm not going to let her get hurt by anyone. "She said to leave her alone," I said, summoning up every bit of courage in my little body, which really wasn't that much but I needed it right now.

Amato glared at me as approached him moved in between him and Natsu. I'm probably just begging to get my ass kicked, but I can't be cowardly now... not in front of the girl I was in love with. "You say something, bloodsucker?" he hissed, turning his full attention onto me.

"I..." My courage was beginning to slip away from me, but I couldn't back down now. "I said leave her alone." Slowly, a crowd of students built around the three of us. The was a rare sight after all: one of the weaker vampires picking a fight with a strong werewolf, an alpha even.

Amato was pissed. Clearly, I was in for a serious beating. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me back first into the wall. Had I been a human or any less durable creature, I'd have several broken bones right now, if not worse. But because I was a vampire, it only hurt like hell.

Of course, he wasn't done with me just yet. He threw a punch at me, hitting me really hard in the jaw. Thankfully some teachers stepped in at that point, dragging him off and leaving me sitting there on the floor.

Something hard was rolling around in my mouth. I pulled it out to see and my eyes went wide. That mutt knocked one of my teeth out. Looking closer, I immediately went pale. This wasn't just any old tooth... it was one of my only important ones: one of my fangs.

Staring at the bloody fang sitting there in my hand, I realized that I'd just dropped a few rankings as a vampire. I mean, what good is a vampire without his fangs? How pathetic is that? I was already lame enough before...

A hand touched my shoulder, distracting me from my horrified staring at my poor fang. I looked up to see Natsu looking down at me. "Thanks," she said sweetly before turning and walking away.

With a sudden burst of courage, I sprung up and ran after her. "Wait!" I reached out grabbing her hand to stop her, but let it go the second she'd turned. Don't back out now... "I..." My courage began to falter, but I pushed past that. "I know you won't feel the same, so I don't expect any answer from you, but please hear me out." This might be the only chance I ever get.

"I like you!" I blurted out, maybe a little too loudly, since a few heads turned our way. "I always have. Ever since that day when we met back when we were kids..." I didn't expect her to remember, but I hoped she did. "I know you wouldn't feel the same. I'm a pathetic little vampire who was stupid enough to lose one of his own fangs and you..." Slowly I looked up and looked her in the eyes. A great number of other people were watching us, but I didn't care. "You're a beautiful and smart werewolf..." My bravery started to fade and I turned my gaze to the ground. "You're the most beautiful and amazing girl I've ever seen... and... I'm in love with you..."

And I am now officially the lowest of all vampire-kind. There's no coming back from this and she'd never return my feelings, so I didn't wait around for her reaction. I ran off, deciding that I'll skip practice today. After what just happened, I doubted anyone would blame me. Besides, I was just a pathetic little vampire; who needed me around anyway?

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