Morning After (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: Sequel to Coffee. Also kind of inspired by the same Semi ASMR that I mentioned nearly killed me. Wanted to go with something kinda cute and then this is what happened.

He looks so peaceful while he sleeps. Not sure how long I've been awake, but I'm really in no hurry to get up.

When he'd approached me in the coffee shop, I honestly didn't expect it would lead to anything. Maybe a little flirting over text... but to my surprise, we hit it off pretty well. Last night we'd even gone out on a date. Things went well, obviously, since I'm now waking up in his bed.

Semi's breathing is so calming to listen to. I know it's too early to be having these kinds of thoughts, but I think I'd like to wake up to this again.

His eyes opened slowly and a soft smile appears on his face. "Morning." Even his morning voice is nice.

Semi slides his arm around my waist, bringing me closer. His lips brush against my forehead for only a moment. It's nice to see that he's still just as affectionate as he was last night... Could this be a sign that he wanted something more than just a simple good time?

"Someone is cuddly this morning," I hummed, trying to tease him a little.

"You want me to stop?"

"Nah... I like it."

Semi laughed a bit, burying his face in my neck. "Can't remember the last time that I got to enjoy a minute like this..."

His words probably jinxed it, because not even a minute after he'd said it, his phone started ringing. A mumbled curse came from him before he pried himself away from me and climbed out of bed to answer the call.

Normally I would have listened in on the conversation, but this time doesn't feel like any other time. Maybe it's because I'm fond of Semi... or maybe it's because I'm too focused on checking out that body of his.

It's probably that second one... because how can I not? You wouldn't have guessed it at first glance through the clothes that he usually wore, but he's got one hell of a body. Definitely the kind of guy who worked out... which wasn't all that surprising when I remember him mentioning something about being a musician or maybe it was a band or something. I might have been a tiny bit drunk when it had come up. And by might and a little, I really mean that I definitely was and it was quite a bit.

After a moment, Semi hung up. He sighed before looking at me with a bit of a guilty expression. "I might have forgotten that I was supposed to meet up with Tendo this morning..."

"Might have?"

He chuckled only a little. "I was definitely a little distracted by a certain someone..." Semi stretched and began to dress. "Tendo's supposed to be leaving really early tomorrow morning, so I really can't just ditch him. Would probably serve him right though, as much as he likes to interfere in my love life... but... as annoying as he can be, he's still a pretty good friend." A grin is sent my way. "Do you want to come with? I wouldn't mind showing you off a bit."

"Sounds like fun."

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