Only the Beginning (Takanobu Aone X OC Teruko)

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Looks like I made it... I let a sigh of relief as I searched for a seat on the train. However, the only place there was room was next to a very big and sort of scary-looking guy. Now, I'm really not good with people. In fact, I'm actually incredibly shy.

But today I couldn't exactly spend the whole train ride standing. I had to meet up and practice with the girls for our next concert. Because of school, we couldn't get together very often, so we had to make the most of what little time we did have. Being the lead singer of the band, I needed to save as much energy as I could.

Taking a deep breath and gathering my courage, I took a seat next to the scary guy. Just relax, Teruko, I told myself. My gaze flickered around looking at anything and everything but the person beside me. For just a second, I saw his bag that sat at his feet. Something was sticking out of it, but I couldn't tell what. But I could see 'Date Tech' written on whatever it was.

"Dateko..." I mumbled to myself. The person next to me shifted slightly and I realized that he must have heard me. Remembering how Tora was always telling me to open up more, I decided to try to start a conversation. "Y-you go there too?"

Hesitantly, I looked up at the boy next to me. He quietly nodded. Guess he wasn't much of a talker. Deciding to try again, I asked another question. This one wouldn't be a simple yes or no. "What year are you?" I asked nervously.

The boy was quiet a moment. He smiled just a little, though it took a moment to realize that he was smiling. "First year."

Glad that I'd gotten him to at least say something, I found myself smiling. "Me too." The more I could get him to speak, the more confident I'd be. "My name's Teruko. Teruko Nekota."

For a moment, I wondered if he would just sit there quietly. "Takanobu Aone."

From there, the two of us continued on like this. As the conversation went on, I began to realize something. Even though Aone looked scary, he was really very kind. In the end, this would only be the beginning of a great friendship. Maybe it would even grow to be more someday. But no matter how it ended, I'd be happy to be here with him.

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