Anyone But You (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: Well, I finally got this one finished. This one is the clean version. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in knowing that I turned this into a fanfic. If you're curious, the story is called "No Better Lover Than Your Enemy."

When I'd asked her to stay, I didn't know that we were going to be alone. While I may not have minded that, I had a feeling she might not be too happy about that. But unlike what I'd expected, things went really well. We'd gotten to talking and before I knew it, we were both laughing and getting along like friends.

For the first time in years, she was just she had been when we were kids. It was nice knowing that the kind, sweet girl I once knew was still in there underneath that sort of cold shell. She was still the same girl I'd been friends with all those years ago. I'd had a huge crush on her back then, though I never told her.

Now she's got her hand over her mouth, trying so hard not to laugh at what I said. I don't even know what I said anymore but it doesn't matter. She just looks so beautiful when she's smiling like that. Wait... did I really just think that?

It's just my imagination. I was thinking about how I used to have a crush on her and my mind misinterpreted it. That was just an excuse, it was obvious that's all it was. I just didn't want to admit I was attracted to her.

Leaning closer to her, I did something I never thought I'd ever do. I kissed her.

(Senri/Heartless' POV)

Oikawa's lips pressed gently against mine. Normally, I probably would have pushed him away, but right now I didn't really want to. As I returned the kiss, I felt a hand sliding under my skirt.

Then, as sudden as his kiss, he jerked back like he'd been bitten by a snake. On his face was an expression of panic, just like after our accidental kiss earlier. "I-I'm sorry... I... I don't know what came over me..." He flashed me an apologetic look. Was he afraid of me? Many others were.

I reached out my hand, placing it gently on top of his. When he'd kissed me, I'd had no intentions of stopping him. In all honesty, I'd kind of enjoyed it. "Toru?" He turned his gaze upward, our eyes meeting. "Stop worrying about being perfect. Forget about everything for just a moment. What do you want right now?"

Oikawa didn't say anything, but the look on his face told me he was definitely thinking. Just as I was about to ask again, he took my hands in his own. Pulling me up off the couch, he led me away to his bedroom. He locked the door before pulling me tight to his chest and closing the distance between our lips.

My arms wrapped around his neck, my hands tugging lightly at his soft hair. His tongue lightly brushes against my lips and I teasingly caress it with my own before allowing it to enter. A soft groan escapes him as I feel his fingertips digging into my hips.

**This part has been censored for our less perverted readers**

After a moment he pulls back and stares down at where I lay beneath him. When his eyes met with mine, I was surprised. It wasn't a look of lust, it was sweet and passionate. Definitely not something I'd have expected of Toru Oikawa. As I held his gaze, he let out a small laugh.

"What is it?" I asked softly. As an answer, he took my hand and place it gently over his heart. It was pounding like crazy. Had I done that?

Oikawa leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You've never failed to make my heart race." His was sweet and romantic. Had he been anyone else, that could have been a love confession.

**This part has been censored for our less perverted readers**

Today certainly hadn't gone the way either of us planned, but it was amazing. Cuddling against his chest now with his arms around me, I felt content.

Exhausted, I slowly closed my eyes. I planned to rest just a bit and leave before he would wake up. "I love you..." I heard Oikawa mumble, but I just kept my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

If it were anyone but you, I might actually believe you, Toru...

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