Too Cute (Yuuki Shibayama X OC Akira)

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Wizzy: Just a random idea that I had. And I guess you could call this a Male Reader, since I don't actually use the guy's name. The intention was for it to be my OC Akira Hasegawa, who is an author... also very much a pervert. But he's usually sweet... though not so much to guys who are younger than him.

I'm not like most guys... I won't deny that I'm a pervert or that my sexuality swings both ways... I don't like younger guys and I'm not fond of that naïve, innocent kind of personality. Being a writer though, I have to know how these kinds of people are, so sometimes I'll watch them. I watch lots of people and the things they do, actually. Which brings me to why I am where I am right now.

The hall was silent, the only sound being the quiet tapping of my gentle and leisurely paced footsteps. Most of the others had gone home already, but a couple of teachers still lingered, staying behind to assist any struggling student who cared enough to ask for help. One of those types of teachers was exactly what I was here for... though it wasn't my grades making me seek him out. No, this was for a more personal reason.

Being an author requires a broad spectrum of knowledge, in case you didn't know. What I was seeking was actually a textbook. Unable to find any other way to get the information I was looking for, I planned to borrow an old textbook or two from one of the first-year teachers.

Stepping into the classroom, I soon discovered that the teacher that I had been seeking wasn't around. Instead, I found a first-year sitting at a desk and scribbling down some things on a piece of paper. Making up a test, if I had to guess.

The younger male was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't say that I knew him... I never bothered with the first years.

Despite knowing that I should just leave and come back another time, I couldn't help but find myself watching him. His eyes focused so intently on the page in front of him... His hand making quick but steady strokes with his pencil... It was all rather mesmerizing... drawing me in and making me want more than to just watch him...

I stepped closer, careful not to make even the slightest sound. My eyes shifted to the page in front of him, quickly locating a name. Yuuki Shibayama, it read. His name was quite cute... but what about him?

Being a bit closer now, it was easy to get a look at him. Dark hair parted neatly in the middle... dark eyes and a smooth face... it made him look so young... so innocent... As much as I hated to admit it, he was cute... really cute... too cute...

I don't even know what's come over me... I want him.... I want to touch him and see how that voice of his sounds... I want to pin him against that desk and do dirty things to that oh-so innocent-looking boy...

He's not my type at all, but no matter how much my head keeps screaming that at me, my body just doesn't want to listen... It's like a spell had grabbed hold of me and refused to let go... with him being the only cure...

Before I even had a chance to realize what I was even doing, my hands were on his cheeks and my lips were connecting with his. It's probably his first kiss and most definitely not the way he would have imagined it to happen... not to mention that he was probably only into girls, as were most guys that I knew.

His lips are soft and sweet, unlike any other guy's that I've kissed before. It sucks me in and leaves me wanting more... This is bad... I don't want to stop at just a kiss... I can't stop...

As the door suddenly opened, I jerked back, separating from the male before the teacher could notice just what I'd been doing. The younger make was rather quick to leave once he was able. I must have scared him...

A few days later....

"Kuroo! I'm gonna watch you guys today." I held up my camera as I talked to the third year. This wasn't the first time I'd done this, so no one bothered to question it. It was research for one of my novels, after all.

As I got settled in, I noticed a familiar face. The little first year from the other day. That explained why he'd looked familiar before. I quickly approached him, not letting him have a chance to run away. "Hey. Sorry about the other day. Didn't mean to scare you... I'm not sure what came over me." It was an awkward apology, and naturally, the first year was a bit freaked out still. Can't say I blame him. "Hope there's no hard feelings. I promise that I don't normally act like that. You're just freaking adorable."

Okay, so maybe it wasn't the best apology, but I did feel bad. Maybe eventually, he might forgive me. Maybe.

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