Heat of the Moment (Atsumu Miya)

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Wizzy: Can you tell who has been on my mind? XD Another Omegaverse. This one is in the same universe as the Osamu one. In fact, a smart reader will figure out that the little Omega that Atsumu talked about in Osamu's was this one's Reader.


I'm not sure how long I'd closed my eyes. It felt like I'd slept, but I could have sworn that my eyes were closed for a mere second. My body had finally gotten a moment of calm, further dulling my sense of how much time had passed.

A gentle touch glides down my arm, stopping to caress a fading scar. He probably thinks it's ugly... most people do. The alpha in my bed doesn't ask about it, nor do I offer the story. It's what we agreed to, after all. No strings attached...

Slowly, my mind drifted to the events from hours prior.

Neither of us had planned it. My heat had hit me quite suddenly... a week early and in the middle of the school day. It was horrible timing... and stronger than any of my past heats. It was far too risky to walk home and neither of my parents was answering their phones. All I could do was seek shelter in one of the rarely used bathrooms.

It was there that I met him... or rather, it was the first time we'd actually interacted. Everyone in school knew who he was. You'd have to be brainless not to.

He came up behind me, hand immediately covering my mouth and his other arm wrapping around my waist to keep me in place. Startled didn't even begin to cover it.

"It's okay..." My heart thumped loudly in my chest. "I'm not gonna hurt ya..." His whispers did little to ease my nerves. "I just want to help ya..."

The voice is familiar, but I can't quite place where I'd heard it before. The stranger's scent was clear though; he was an alpha.

Slowly I turn my gaze upward, landing on the mirror. My eyes go wide. That blonde hair... those warm brown eyes... "If ya go out there smelling like this, you'll get jumped before ya can take two steps." Atsumu's voice kept that calm, gentle whisper. "I'm going to move my hand... Be a good girl and don't scream... I could get in a lotta trouble if I get caught in here..."

Slowly he uncovered my mouth but didn't release his grip on my waist. There was nothing in his expression to suggest that he had any bad intentions. No malice in his sweet brown eyes. Not even a hint of deviousness. "Let me help you..."

Once he'd gotten my heat to calm down, even if only for the moment, he led me away to one of the unused classrooms. The first thought I had was that he planned on doing more intimate things and honestly who am I to say no to the Atsumu Miya? However, his intentions turned out to be much sweeter.

Atsumu rubbed himself against my neck. It was something that I'd seen alphas do for their omega siblings... or sometimes among close friends. The alpha rubs their scent on the omega, masking the omega's scent a bit and helping to ward off unwanted alphas. Afterward, he also handed me his red volleyball jacket. To further help ward off other alphas, Atsumu had claimed.

Once I was settled in, he smiled at me. "When I leave, lock the door and don't open it for anyone. As soon as practice is over after classes, I'll come get ya and I'll make sure ya get home safe. Promise."

Just as he promised, he came back for me. When we reached my house, he started to walk away but stopped. The alpha looked back at me with a concerned expression. "Are... are ya really gonna be alright alone?"

A quick, heated, hazy, naked wrestle and a possible nap later, here we were. Atsumu Miya, the most desired alpha in the entire prefecture, was in my bed.

I know better than to expect anything out of this. He's known to sleep around with any omega he wants and never commits. The setter had made it very clear on numerous occasions that he wasn't going to be mated to anyone. Even if he were going to mate someone, it would never be a stupid little outcast like me. No, omegas like me would only ever be wanted to warm an Alpha's bed... if even that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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