The Girl of Room 1309 (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy:  I know I said I wasn't going to, but I did do part 3 for the 1309 story. But this time this really is the last one.

Today is a day like any other. I climb out of bed and quickly dress before eating a small breakfast. Then it's time to head off to school. Fukurodani Academy's High School, to be exact.

On my way to the school, I wave at the same old faces that I see every day. I wave to Hatsuharu and Tomoko; he gives her a quick kiss and lightly rubs her swollen belly before heading off to work. They've been married for several years now and are about to have their third child. The two older boys, Akiteru and Takahiro, were quite a handful, so they were hoping for a little girl.

The two boys joined me on my walk, as usual. "Are my brave knights here to protect me on my long journey?" I'd laugh like always, placing my hand over my heart in a dramatic way as they'd hold their imaginary swords in the air. We'd walk together for a while before they split off and walked with their friend Koushiro and his sister Keiko for the rest of their way.

Alone again, I'd walk by old Mama-chan and the little fruit stand she ran. She'd always toss me a random fruit, today's being an apple. A yellow one, to be exact. Those had always been a favorite of mine. Mama-chan waves and I thank her before continuing on my way.

Finally, I reach the school. I'm here a little early, as I always am. Dropping my things off in my class, I'm off again with my camera. My camera goes with me everywhere, which is fitting, as I'm part of the photography club.

Everyone is busy and doing something interesting. Picture after picture I took, even catching the chance to snap one of my friends as he modeled his jersey for me. Moments after, his friends came around, asking for their pictures as well.

Soon enough, a much too familiar face jumped in. And of course, I take a picture of him as well, my crush, that oh-so-lovable ace. We chat only a moment before he's snatching the camera from me and snapping my picture.

A struggle then begins for the little device. It clicks several times as I try to take it out of my crush's hands and he tries to keep it. In the end, it's back in my hands. On his face though, is the cutest little pout I'd ever seen, and I can't resist taking one more picture.

It was at that moment that I decided that I'd tell him how I felt. Tell him that I loved him and that I was his, if he wanted me. Tomorrow, the very first chance I got, I would do it.

If only I'd known then the fate that awaited me that night...

Extended Ending:

As Bokuto looked through the contents of the computer, he found nothing really special. That is, until he came across a folder of pictures. As he looked through them, he was shocked to see so many familiar faces.

There were the twins, Taka and Aki, the two kids that he used to play volleyball with in the park on weekends. Their mother Tomoko and their father Haru too. Misato wasn't there, so he figured this was taken before she'd been born.

Another had Mama-chan, the friendly woman who was always at his matches. And another was Konoha... wait, Konoha?

Sure enough, that guy in the next picture was Konoha. In his volleyball jersey, even. Did that mean he'd gone to school with her? Or maybe was she just related to Konoha somehow? Bokuto was quite curious now. But as he sees the next few, he learns that it was the former.

The next is of him and then, the ghost. Though she wasn't a ghost then. The next few were blurred, but you could make out just a few things, like a few arms and a face... The next was a pouting Bokuto. It's then that Bokuto remembers.

He knew her. She was that cute girl from the photography club, the one who always had a camera in her hands. Her pictures were always the best, he remembered. He remembers that little set too: she never had any pictures of herself, so he'd taken her camera and taken a picture of her. She'd been kinda mad and tried to take her camera back.

Bokuto can't help but chuckle at the memory, but it's a sad sort of sound. If only he'd been a little closer to her, maybe she would still have been here. But it's all just a memory now, and that's how it will stay until he joins her on the other side.

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