If I Surrender (Satori Tendo)

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Wizzy: I wrote this with a male reader in mind, but it's technically gender-neutral. Inspired by Citizen Soldier's "If I Surrender" which is where the title comes from. I thought I wanted to try something a little different. So I hope you enjoy. Takes place when Satori would be a first year.

At 7:00 AM, I wake to the sound of my alarm. My eyes flutter open and I roll out of bed. As I get ready for classes, I take my time as I always do. The date is the 13th.

When I glance at the mirror, I stop for a moment and think. Why do I even bother going anymore? No one would notice if I simply vanished. When even was the last time that someone even so much as looked at me?

In the end, I simply shake my head and leave my dorm.

Classes go by as they always do. Nothing has changed... it never will. I may not be sure of much, but this is one thing that I am certain of.

By the end of the day, I find myself on the rooftop. I come up when my mood gets especially low... and today is no exception. Standing at the edge, I look down. The ground looks so far away.

The fear of the fall is usually enough to make me turn around and walk away. Today, I don't feel that fear.

What's the point of holding on like this?

When no one seems to care if I exist

My alarm goes off at 7 AM. The date is the 13th. What a strange dream... it felt so real.

I climb out of bed and dress as always. A glance at the mirror. I'm hit with a sense of déjà vu...

I shake it off and head to my classes as I always do. The day passes just as the dream did and I end up back at the roof again.

Once more, there's no fear to hold me back.

So let me fall, let me break

Under everything unsaid

At 7 AM, my alarm sounds. Today is the 13th. Another strange dream? No... something feels off.

This moment I'm in has happened before. I shake my head and glance at the mirror before I rise and dress for school. Dream or no dream, nothing seems like it's changed.

I stop to change my shoes. There's a redheaded male at his own little cubby. His attention is on his fingers... slowly unwrapping the tape around them. Once freed, he gives his hand a couple of quick flexes and then he glances my way.

I pay it no mind and continue about my own business. He's no one that I know... probably a first year. Not that it matters. Neither of us bothered to say a word to the other, so no reason to dwell on it.

Classes pass the same, uneventful way. When the day ends, I'm back at the roof, just as before.

Just let me die 'cause I can't take

Living with what's in my head

7 AM on the 13th.

Whatever this is, it's not just some dream. Is this hell, I wonder? Doomed to repeat this same day for all eternity?

I get up and dress much quicker than I normally do. When I get to the school building, it's much earlier than I usually arrive.

As I change my shoes, my mind flashes to the redhead with the taped fingers. He's not here this time... instead where he stood are a couple of second-years who slip a piece of paper into a cubby. I think that was redhead's.

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