Best Friends (Taketora Yamamoto)

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Wizzy: This was too cute not to do. By the way, the Reader is the mother (or father since it doesn't really specify) of Misaki. Misaki is my OC who you have not met yet, but she is paired with Taketora. So this is both an X Reader type of story and an X OC. If that makes any sense...

"Those two are just so cute together," Mrs. Yamamoto said to me. Right now, our two little ones were playing in the backyard. My little Misaki on the swing and her little Taketora giving her a little push to help her get going.

The pair of five-year-olds had been good friends since the moment they met. Thanks to that, I'd gotten to be friends with the little boy's mother. And because of that, the two were almost always together.

"I bet when they're older, they'll get married," I said, half-jokingly. As close as these two were, it certainly wouldn't be a surprise if they dated each other when they were old enough.

Mrs. Yamamoto laughed, still watching the little ones. "I'd say they're practically married already."

Misaki slide off the swing and started a game of tag with Taketora. She might have been taller than him right now, but he was just a bit faster. He tagged her as it and ran behind the tree, starting a game of "chase-around-the-tree" until suddenly it was only Misaki running around the tree.

She looked around before giggling drew her eyes upwards to the branches of the tree. "That's not fair Little Tiger!" she whined.

The boy just smiled down at her. "Come up here, Misa!" Usually, Taketora would be annoyed with her nickname for him, complaining that it wasn't nice to tease him for being short. But this time he didn't seem to mind her teasing.

Misaki climbed up into the tree. Or rather, she tried to. Before she got too far, she fell back down. Then she started to cry. Normally my motherly instinct would have kicked in and I'd have rushed over to her side, but I found myself standing back and watching with curiosity.

Taketora climbed down and knelt in front of his best friend. I could see that he was saying something, but I couldn't hear whatever it was. He looked around a second before holding up a finger and telling her to "hold on a second" and scurrying off somewhere out of my sight.

Normally Mrs. Yamamoto and I would have been worried about what he was doing, but we knew little Taketora very well. He was a good boy and wouldn't get into trouble or wander off.

He returned moments later, hiding something behind his back. The three of us all watched in interest as he pulled the mystery object out from behind him. It was a single, little yellow flower that he held out to Misaki.

I couldn't see her face since her back was to me, but I knew she was smiling. Why wouldn't she? Her best friend had just given her a flower that was her favorite color.

Misaki leaped up at him, tackling him in a hug. Her tears from before were long gone.

Watching that made me laugh. "Looks like your little Taketora's going to be quite the charmer when he grows up." But even if that did happen, I knew I'd never have to worry about him hurting my little Misaki. "Misaki better watch out or the other girls will be all over him."

Mrs. Yamamoto and I laughed quietly to ourselves. "I don't think we have to worry about that," she said, watching the two kids now falling asleep under the tree. "I think little Misaki's already captured his heart. No other girl could compete."

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