My Savior (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy: More Creature Collection, but people have been asking for more Bokuto, so here.


That's the only thought on my mind as I ran through the streets. It's late at night... probably close to 2 AM if I had to guess. Not a soul out here; no one to save me as I was being pursued.

They say immortality is a curse, well I say beauty is one too. I might not have immortality, but I had beauty. Or I did until the Collectors got a hold of me. They and their sick habits and obsessions... they collect creatures they deem interesting or beautiful... some are even chosen because of the potential strength of their species. Sometimes it was even because they were a rarity and would fetch a nice price.

Me? I'm certainly not strong or a rarity... I'm just an angel who used to be beautiful. Kidnapped as a young girl, I was kept in the Cells with all the other Luckless, while the other Collected went off to the Block. Luckily though, I managed to escape.

As I ran, I tripped and fell to the pavement, scraping my hands and knees quite badly. But now wasn't time to waste time worrying about that. I quickly get up and continue running, ducking into one of the alleyways. The streets are much too big and much too open right now. The twists and turns and narrow spaces of the alley would be more to my advantage.

Or so I thought. After what felt like only a few minutes, I ran straight into a dead end. Deciding to turn around and go another way, my path was blocked by one of the Collectors. I was trapped and oh so screwed.

I take a step back, tripping and falling flat on my backside. My eyes squeeze shut and I throw my arms up as a shield. That wouldn't stop him though. If I could have, I'd have flown away, but my wings were no longer functional. The Collectors had taken care of that, saying that it was necessary to "clip a bird's wings so that it cannot fly too far from its cage."

Suddenly, a large figure drops down between me and the Collector. He's a massive creature that appeared to be a mix of a man and a bird. An owl, I figured. That would make him a wereowl. They're quite rare and the Collectors would kill to have one of them; however, they are too dangerous to capture once they're about this age and size, so this one had nothing to fear.

The Collector immediately takes a step back, terrified at the mere sight of my savior. He knows he won't stand a chance, not when he's completely unarmed and the wereowl has sharp talons. Not wanting to take any chances, he turns and runs away.

The wereowl then turns my way and steps closer. My breath catches in my throat as I watch him shake and then shift back into a human form. "Hey hey!" he says, kneeling in front of me.
Big, golden owl-eyes stare straight into mine. Seeing as he was only wearing what appeared to be his underwear, his muscular body clearly indicated that he was strong. His hair appeared to be spiked up a bit and I realized that his appearance greatly resembled an owl.

That Collector was right to run away; Even as a human, his appearance is intimidating.
My entire body trembled. If he tried to do anything, I had no hope of stopping him or fighting back. The only possession I had was the clothing I wore and that was just an old tattered nightgown. The collectors never let us have anything but a single piece of clothing. We didn't even get to have underwear.

His eyes looked me over and I was certain he was going to do something. Out of nowhere he grabs my wrist and looks it over. "You're pretty beat up," he said, glancing at my knees, my other hand, and then finally at my poor wings... What he does next surprises me: he lifts me up, carrying me on his back. As he walks along, he talks about anything and everything that comes to his mind.

As scary as he might have seemed, he really wasn't that bad. "Um..." I started, getting him to shut up and listen. "What... what is your name?"

The handsome young wereowl smacked his palm against his forehead, nearly dropping me. "How could I forget that?!" he wailed, going on about how stupid he was for forgetting his own name. It's not until I tap him and ask again that I finally hear his name. And I must say, it's a very wonderful name.

"Koutaro Bokuto."  

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