Out of Love (Satori Tendo)

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Wizzy: Based on real events. The friend here, Nana, is also a real person. He's a very dear friend to me, no matter how much I pick on him. Obviously, I had to change some of the dialogue, but the events here did happen.

It's funny how when you're not looking for something, that's when it seems to throw itself at you. The minute that I met him, I knew that I was just looking for someone to talk to... nothing more than just a friend.

Neither of us was talking, but it didn't seem like it really mattered. Our avatars sat quietly together in front of the little fireplace... at peace in the silence... only the crackling sounds from the fireplace keeping us company.

This little house was one we'd come across many times on the server. It had long since been abandoned and had even been damaged by other players. It was sad to see, but even in its damaged state, it had come to feel like our own little home.

While we sat there together though... I had a rather startling realization... I was crushing on this guy. Hard. And while that in itself wasn't a problem... I already had a boyfriend. Shortly after, I logged off of the game, my mind unable to stop thinking about what I had come to realize.

Nana! Talk sense into my stupid girl brain! It's all confuzzled. I frantically typed to my friend. Nana was a dear friend of mine lately... though also a mutual friend of my recently discovered crush.

I came clean about how I'd started to have feelings for Hajime, which Nana very much supported... until I admitted that I'd already had a boyfriend. I'd half expected him to suggest breaking up with my boyfriend for Hajime, but that wasn't what he'd said at all.

I told Nana about how lately I'd been having doubts about the relationship that I had with Satori... how I felt stuck... like the spark wasn't even there anymore... that I'd been feeling that way for quite some time.

Even then though, Nana's advice never said to just ditch the boyfriend... No, it was so much better... something thing I knew only a real friend would have said. Why don't you just talk to your boyfriend about it? Not the crush thing, but like the other thing.

It was brilliant advice, though not necessarily something that is easily done.

Slowly, I started typing, my feelings I'd been keeping bottled up for so long finally coming out. I remember crying as I typed... not because I was sad, but more because I was scared. What would Satori say?

I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted our relationship to end yet... but I couldn't fully say that I wanted it to continue. You can't just throw away a seven-year relationship away for what could possibly be merely a fling at best...

When Satori finally responded, I almost didn't want to even look. I shouldn't have been freaking out as much as I was... but I couldn't exactly help it. This could have very well been the moment when we broke up...

Feeling's mutual.

I stared for a moment. As much as I should have seen it coming, that really hadn't been the kind of answer I had been expecting.

So... what do we do now? I typed the words out slowly and carefully... hesitating before finally sending it. Maybe this really was the end...

We should probably end it before we start hating each other.

I... I'm kind of scared right now... Can I still talk to you even after it's over?

Finally, I was calming down, my panic and fear finally fading.

After a while, yeah.

So... I guess this is it then...


Over. Seven and a half years together and it was all over in a few minutes... Satori and I... just a week ago, we'd seemed just like any other couple... and now we were nothing... What was even stranger though...

I felt nothing.

Surely I should have felt something... Anger that he hadn't even tried to offer to work things out... Sadness that we'd just broken up... anything... anything at all...

And yet... I felt nothing. I was simply numb to it.

After I gave myself a minute to let it sink in, I updated Nana on the results. It was a shock, but I think that we both knew that it was for the better. After that, I shared the news with more of our little friend group.

Hey, Nana, thanks.

I smiled lightly as I thanked him. Maybe he wouldn't really understand, but because of his help, I was able to face something I'd been running away from.

A new message came through, but it wasn't from who I expected.

I really don't want to be that guy, but I'm here for you.

As I read the message from Hajime, I smiled. He really was too sweet. It was pretty obvious that he was into me, but I knew better... I wasn't going to let him be the rebound guy... Hajime deserved so much better than that. No, I decided then that I wouldn't pursue things with him. Instead, I would take life as it happened and see where it all led me.

Sometimes, you just fall out of love... but that's okay... All you have to do is just stand right back up, ready to face a new beginning.

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