Pikachu Suit (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: So this I actually wrote a long time ago for Hakuouki, but a bit of tweaking and it works pretty well for Iwa-chan. Hopefully, you guys will appreciate it more than the readers of my Hakuouki stories. Bonus points if you can make the connection between the original guy this was for and Iwa-chan.

 "Why must I do this?" Iwaizumi mumbled. He was currently giving me a cold glare. It was his own fault for agreeing to this.

Handing him the yellow suit, I couldn't suppress a giggle. "Hey, you were the one who agreed to the bet," I reminded him. The two of us made a bet on which of us would get the highest grade on the test. The loser would have to spend an entire school day wearing a Pikachu suit. Guess who won? Yep, Iwaizumi was stuck wearing the embarrassing suit.

Iwaizumi scowled and took the suit into the other room to put it on. No doubt he was cursing me repeatedly in his mind. He wouldn't dare say anything out loud though. When he came out dressed up in the suit though, I couldn't help giggling.

He glared at me once more. "This isn't funny, Wizzy." As much as he said that, it was still going to be funny. Even more so when his face tinted pink from embarrassment.

"Come on, you look absolutely adorable," I insisted, unable to stop giggling. With a wide grin, I held up my phone. "Now shut up and smile for the camera."

By the time he'd processed what I'd said, I'd already snapped the photo. Iwaizumi's eyes immediately went wide and he leaped for my phone. "Delete that!" he growled. As he tried to rip it out of my grasp, I was frantically trying to send it to Matsukawa, who I knew would send it back to me later if Iwaizumi managed to take my phone and delete the picture.

With him trying to steal my phone, it was really hard to send the picture. "Damn it, Wizzy! Give it here!" Hearing Iwaizumi talk like that, I internally panicked. If he were saying things like that, then you know he was pissed.

Just as I went to hit send, he made me lose my balance, sending both of us crashing to the floor. My phone fell from my hands, but I was a little too distracted by the boy who had landed on top of me. If he was embarrassed just by wearing the suit, he was even more so now.

His eyes flicked over to my fallen phone and then went wide. "You..." Iwaizumi didn't need to say it; I already knew. The words Message Sent were no doubt displayed on the screen.

Iwaizumi climbed off me and quickly snatched up my phone. But the moment he looked at it, his face went pale. "Wizzy..." Without explaining, he turned the phone around, showing me the problem.

"Oh no..." Instead of sending it to Matsukawa, I'd accidentally sent it to Toru Oikawa. That meant that the entire world would be seeing it right now. "I-I swear I didn't mean to send it to Oikawa... I meant to send it to Matsukawa so I could get it back if you deleted it."

"Delete it now." His voice was cold and left no room for arguments. Though deleting it wasn't going to do much anyway. The damage had already been done.

"Don't do it," a voice said nearby. Speak of the devil... "That's a nice one, but this one is much better." With a laugh, Oikawa turned his phone around, showing us a picture on his phone. "Don't you think so, Iwa-chan?" Once we saw what it was, Iwaizumi's and my faces were instantly bright red. Oikawa had taken a picture right when Iwaizumi had fallen on top of me, making the picture look like he was pinning me to the ground.

"Delete it now."

Iwaizumi was dead serious, but Oikawa only laughed. "No way. Besides, everyone is already making comments about it. Can't spoil their fun now."

In seconds, the three of us were running down the hall. Toru Oikawa was being chased by an embarrassed Wizzy and a very pissed off Iwaizumi in a Pikachu suit and he was laughing the whole way. "OIKAWA YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!"

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