Rejected (Wakatoshi Ushijima X OC Kirari)

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I remember the first time like was only yesterday.

Practice was just about over, but I wasn't ready to quit for the day. As my friend hit the ball towards me, I heard someone calling out to me. Forgetting about the ball flying at me, I looked over only to get nailed in the head with the volleyball.

My teammate apologized and I just waved it off. I'd played volleyball all my life: getting hit in the head was nothing. Looking over, a somewhat familiar face stared back at me. "Oshiro!" he called to me once more, prompting my teammates to push me towards the tall male.

With a sigh, I made my way over to him. Without even having to wait, he pulled me just outside so that we could speak in private.

"You're an interesting one, Oshiro," Ushijima had said that day. "It's not easy for a first-year to become a regular so quickly." What he was saying was something I was already aware of, so I wished he would just get to the point already. Of course, being a mute, I couldn't exactly tell him that.

What did this second year want with me? Sure, I'm a great volleyball player, but he was still better. That couldn't possibly have anything to do with this.

Ushijima took a deep breath and asked what was he'd been wanting to. "I want you to be my girlfriend." His words were very straightforward, kinda like him. But I honestly had no interest in him, so I simply rejected him. When he asked why, the answer was quite simple.

You're kind of a jerk.

Thinking back on that memory made me sad. It wasn't that I regretted rejecting him; it just reminded me of happier times. My life would never be the same. Watching the volleyball being hit back and forth on the court kept reminding me of that.

Shiratorizawa was facing off with Aoba Johsai. It was an exciting match and I was happy to be there to see it. Although the setter on the opposing team did somehow manage to nail me in the head with a bad serve.

But even though it was a good match, it just reminded me I could no longer play. If Ushijima hadn't insisted, I would never have come here. He probably only did that so he could show off and ask me out again after all this was done. I still had no interest in that jerk of a third year, but I was still going to cheer him on.

Of course, cheering for your team isn't that easy if you don't have a voice. But I had something special just for this. A whistle that made a sound that resembled the chirping of a bird. With the sound it made, my team would know I was behind them.

As expected, Ushijima met with me after their victory. If he really was going to ask me out again, I was going to reject him. He'd never given up after that first time, but he wasn't pushy about it.

"You're going to reject me again," he guessed before he'd even asked the question. Of course, he wasn't wrong. Slowly I nodded, confirming what he already knew. "Same reasons?"

I shook my head and scribbled something down in my notebook. You're still kind of a jerk, but that's not the only reason I have.

"What's the other reason?"

I'm leaving Shiratorizawa. My words caught him by surprise. It was obvious to everyone that I loved my school, but I just couldn't stay any longer. Before he could ask why, I wrote out the explanation.

Volleyball was my life, everyone knows that. We both know that I'll never get to play again and staying here only reminds me of what happened how everything used to be. I can't handle all those painful memories anymore. Not to mention that I'm repeating my first year because of that stupid injury that made me miss so much school time.

I'd expected him to accuse me of running away, but he didn't. He didn't say that I could have kept playing if I'd just been taken out of that last match instead of playing on with an injured arm. He never once said it was my fault. Ushijima didn't even say anything.

After a moment of awkward silence, he finally spoke. "Kirari," he called my name, making me look up at him. He didn't waste a second and it took me a minute to even realize what he'd done. By the time I'd figured out that he'd kissed me, he'd already pulled away.

"I have no intentions of giving up," he said, walking away from me. That would be the last time we got to speak like this and the last time I'd get to see him. But I couldn't say I minded. After all, he'd kissed me and told me he wasn't going to give up on me. Even if you don't really like the guy, that's still a cool thing for a guy to do.

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