Our Game (Shoyo Hinata)

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Wizzy: A piece of the Creature Collection that I think turned out cute. They're supposed to be about early to mid-twenties in this one and they live together, though it's not really mentioned.

A cold nose nudged my arm. Despite how I normally felt when anyone interrupted my writing, a gentle smile appeared on my face. "Just a second, okay Shoyo?" I quickly finished up the paragraph I was on and saved the file.

Impatient, he nudged me again. "Okay, okay!" I laughed. If he wasn't so adorable when he was in his wolf form, I would probably get mad at him for times like this. "Go get your ball and we'll play."

The little werewolf's eyes brightened and he ran off in search of his ball. It looked just like a volleyball, but it was only about the size of a tennis ball. This was actually the twenty-fifth one that we'd gone through. Twelve of which are actually on the roof of the house, but neither of us had any way of getting them down, so we simply bought new ones. In fact, I had a whole box full of them stashed in the closet in case we lost one.

Shoyo was back minutes later, with no ball. "Lost it again?" My only response was a slight whine. "Okay, new ball!" I giggled and retrieved one from my stash. "So where are we playing today?" I would have been okay with playing here, but considering that last time we broke a vase that my mother loved very much, I figured it was safer to be outside.

It's nice and warm out today, a great day to be at the park. If there's one thing I love about Shoyo besides his cuteness, it's how great he is with kids. Coming here to this park is a weekly thing for us, sometimes we even come a few times a week if I'm not busy with my job or with the book that I'm writing.

Shortly after I'd learned that he was a werewolf, I learned that I needed to find some way for him to use up some of his seemingly limitless amount of energy when he was in his wolf form. Since I wasn't any good at volleyball and he wouldn't be able to move as freely as he normally would, that was automatically out of the question

It took some time, but eventually I thought of plaything fetch. Wolves and dogs are similar, right? So if dogs enjoy playing fetch, why couldn't a wolf do it too? We gave it a try out of pure desperation and guess what? It ended up being one of his favorite things to do.

Anyway, back to the present. Here we are with several of the kids who live nearby, each taking a turn at throwing the ball for Shoyo. They all adored him so much... they don't even know he's not actually a dog.

He always has so much fun with this little game, even if he'll never admit it to anyone other than me. Watching him chase after the little ball and come running back with it... he looks so happy. Maybe it's his wolf side showing, but it doesn't matter. I love seeing him this happy.

"Get it Sho!" one of the little ones shouted out, throwing the ball. As expected, Shoyo raced forward to get it. What none of us expected, however, was for him to run ahead of it and catch it before it even hit the ground. That one got him all sorts of cheers from the kids.

"He's a quick one," a familiar voice said behind me. I turned my head to see one of my former schoolmates join the little group. "I didn't know dogs could run that fast." A mischievous spark lit in Terushima's eyes. It wasn't hard to guess what would happen next. "By the way, since I'm here... mind if I get your number?"

"I still have a boyfriend, you know," I said bluntly. He'd been trying to get me to go out with him for years and every time I turned him down.

Of course, Terushima had never met the guy and the only time he'd seen the two of us was during the moments when Shoyo was transformed. So naturally, the blonde was beginning to think that I had simply made it all up.

"You keep saying that, but how come I've never met him or even heard of you being with anyone besides that dog of yours." He smirked and took a step towards me. Shoyo didn't like that and immediately stopped his game of fetch to come to my rescue.

He stepped between us, giving Terushima a little push away from me. "What was that for?"

I knelt down beside Shoyo and gave his ears a little scratch. "He's protecting me like a good boyfriend should, right Shoyo?" He gave a little bark in response.

Needless to say, Terushima was a bit lost. "Okay... isn't having a dog for a boyfriend illegal or something?"

"Shoyo isn't a dog." Hitting on me was something I could tolerate, but insulting the man I loved was not. Even Terushima was able to pick up on the serious level of annoyance in my voice. "Wolves are not dogs. And werewolves are just as human as any of us."

Terushima technically wasn't human, but he didn't dare to point that out. My meaning was perfectly clear: there was nothing wrong with me being with Shoyo. The incubus standing in front of me knew he didn't have a chance, not with the boyfriend standing right there at least and he backed off, leaving me and Shoyo alone at last; the kids had lost interest when Shoyo had stopped playing.

"Let's go home, Shoyo," I said, kissing the top of his head. He let out a little whine, but then perked up at my next words. "We can play more when we get home." And as we walked home, we made a note of having lost ball number twenty-six.

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