Someone to Listen (Kenjiro Shirabu)

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Wizzy: Important! Ok, maybe not that important, but you'd be amazed by how many people skip my lil notes. Got a few things to bring up.
1 - I started another story based a bit off SAO and Haikyuu Quest. I've been very excited about this one, and hopefully, you'll have fun too. The plan is to include almost everyone. Might have some love interests (likely the wonderful Knight Iwaizumi and the badass Mage Semi.) It's called No Life, so give it a go!
2 - I actually do have a lil story here. Lol. Consider it a preview for a Shirabu story that I'm working on. I wanted to pair him with something different, so they start off with a more friendly relationship than what I tend to see. There isn't much here, but it's something. Thoughts? Opinions?

I'm nothing special. I get decent grades, but I'm never top of the class... My singing is tolerable at best and my artwork probably isn't any better. I'm not some social butterfly, but I'm by no means antisocial... I'm just your average high school girl.

If there's one thing about me that isn't average... it's probably the fact that I attend the top school in the prefecture. Even that isn't all that special though... hundreds of students attend Shiratorizawa.

The teachers weren't all that special either, and listening to the current lecture was super boring. It was really hard to pay attention... so I found my attention drifting to other students in the class. Often, I ended up on the same person.

He sat at the desk to my left, always paying attention and taking notes during class. If I'm being honest, I find him to be really cute... and I might have a bit of a crush on him.

I have no intentions of telling Shirabu this, of course. We're not friends or anything, though we've always been on good terms. In fact, whenever it came to working with a partner, it was often the two of us who teamed up. Not because we were friends, but because anyone else in our class tended to really get on his nerves.

Shirabu always was kind of easily irritated... and today, he seemed much more bothered than he usually was.

Taking a piece of paper, I scribbled a note on it, waiting until the teacher's back was turned to slip it into his desk. Are you okay?

It was just a simple question. To be fair it wasn't really my place to pry into his business, but I didn't want to just sit there and sat nothing if there was something I could do to help. Soon it was back on my desk.

I'm fine.

It would be just like him to try to cover it up.

You don't look like you're fine.

It's too much to say here.

Have lunch with me. You can rant all about it.

I added a tiny smiley face at the end of the sentence before passing it back.

When I got his response, it was only a single word.


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