Awkward Explanations 2 (Akiteru Tsukishima)

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Wizzy: Prequel to the other Awkward Explanations. Akiteru is in high school for this one.

If I had to pick just one word to describe Akiteru, I think that I would have to say that he's gentle. Maybe my view of him is a bit biased, but that's how I see my boyfriend.

He's always been gentle with me... and he's never once pushed me to do anything that I didn't want to... However, I can't say that I haven't ever pushed him...

I'd asked him many times to meet his family, and each time, he came up with some sort of excuse. Maybe he was afraid... but of what, I couldn't be sure. Maybe he was worried that they wouldn't like me... or that I wouldn't like them... Or maybe they didn't even know we were dating... Whatever the reason, all I could do was trust him.

Sometimes though, I couldn't help but feel impatient... much like I was now.

"Hey, Akiteru... why don't you want me to meet your family?" I've asked him many times, but the answer always changed. It wasn't like he was ashamed of his family... he talked about them a lot, actually.

Akiteru avoided my gaze. "Well... they're always busy... and we don't get to spend much time together as it is..."

I sighed. Yet another excuse. I supposed I didn't really expect anything different, but it still hurt. I wanted to believe that he was as serious about me as he said he was, but this made it hard.

He gave my hand a small squeeze. "You'll get to, I promise. Just... not yet, okay?" He was always saying that, it seemed... but he had always kept his promises...

Gently, he placed a hand on my cheek and smiled at me. I can't stay mad at him and find a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. Just a little longer, I guess...

Slowly I lean in and place a sweet kiss on his lips. I don't linger though, and keep it just a short peck. Akiteru didn't want it to be over just yet... and captured my lips again before I could get out of his reach.

It's soft and sweet at first but doesn't take long to become something more. I found myself climbing onto his lap, one leg on each side of him. I could feel him tense under me... which really is no surprise... we'd never gotten this intimate before.

We break from the kiss after a moment. Admittedly, I'm a bit nervous about going a step further, but those nerves are immediately set at ease... Akiteru looks just as nervous. Feeling calmer, I gave him a gentle smile, trying to reassure him. There was no need for either of us to feel nervous with each other.

Slowly he leaned in again, this time kissing my neck gently. Once he felt a bit more courageous, he nibbled a bit, sucking lightly. My arms slid up and around his neck, drawing him closer while his hand slid down to my hips.

He's always been a good kisser, but this was so much more... or maybe it only seemed that way because I'd never seen this kind of behavior from him. I was certainly loving it though.

I paid no mind to the way my body kept running up against his. I probably should have had some restraint, but I was too lost in the moment... that is, until I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my neck, making me cry out in pain and surprise.

Akiteru pulled back quickly and my hand immediately went to my neck. My eyes widened in fear as I felt something warm and sticky. Did he just...

As I looked at his face, I froze. I was freaking out, sure, but one look in his eyes, and I could tell he was even more terrified than I was.

"I-I... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to do that..." Wait, is he really shaking? Or am I imagining it?

For a moment, all I can do is stare while the pieces start to come together. "Aki... are you... you're a..."

As he gave a shaky nod, my brain started to put it all together. No wonder he didn't want me to meet his family... he hadn't even told me that he was a vampire... of course, he wouldn't want them to reveal him before he'd had a chance to tell me himself... Not to mention it explained why we never took things this far before...

It was a shock, for sure, but I couldn't say I minded. "Aki... why didn't you just tell me?"

"I... I was scared of how you'd react..." Okay, he was right to be scared, but I would have hoped he would have had a bit more faith in me. Vampire or not, Akiteru was still Akiteru and I loved him.

Slowly I smile at him. "Aki... it's okay... I... I still love you. Vampire or not, you're still you." There's a lot of blood on my hand now... I pulled it back to take a look. Yep. That's a lot of blood...

Akiteru then took my hand, licking at the blood on it. My stomach turned a bit. I'd have to get used to that one... but for him, I felt like I could do it... and I knew exactly what that first step should be.

As I tilted my head to expose the small wound, I saw his breath hitch. Yeah, I figured as much. "If you want to... it's okay..." Admittedly, I was a bit scared that he'd bite me again, but I was willing to take that risk.

Akiteru hesitated. Did he think I was going to change my mind? Whatever was holding him back, it didn't hold him back for long. He leaned in, mouth closing around the bite mark. It stung at first, but in a mere moment, I found myself melting in his arms.

Some things might take a bit of getting used to, but for Akiteru, I was more than willing to try.

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