Back To 1309 (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy: Sequel to 1309. By the way, there will probably not be another sequel to this. But if you guys like, I can do more ghost stories.

Room 1309: the place where I lived and the place where I died. I'd once thought that I was finally ready to let go of it all, but a single soul had called out to me, asking me to stay. That was my sign, the sign that told me that I needed to stay in this world just a little longer.

It's been three years since that late-night encounter with Koutaro Bokuto, the former ace of Fukurodani Academy. I wonder how he's doing... Surely he must be married by now. A fellow like him would certainly be taken right away.

Hearing voices from the other side of my door, I sat up in my bed. "I don't know why you insisted on this room, it looks creepy as hell." There was the click of the lock and the door opened. In walked four men.

The movement caused a small wind, scattering some dust. "I find it more surprising that they even let you have this room. For free, even." My door hasn't been opened in three years.

One of four had a very strange hairstyle, like a very wild sort of bedhead. He was the first one who had spoken. One had somewhat messy hair. He had been the second to speak. The third seemed quite focused on a handheld game console. And then the fourth... the fourth was a face I'd seen just once before.

"You came back," I said calmly, smiling at the four. My sudden voice startled the bedheaded one and merely gained me a mildly surprised expression from the other two. Bokuto's face, however, had a much happier reaction.

"Of course I did!" he said with a grin, earning him a scolding look from the messy-haired one. Thinking back on all the things that Bokuto had told me before, if I had to guess, he was probably that Akaashi guy that he'd thought so highly of. "I had to thank you for last time. You know, when I got kicked out of my room and you let me stay here!"

Two of his three companions just stared at him. Now, they had no idea that I was a ghost, so what they saw was Bokuto sharing a room with a girl who was clearly not an adult when he was very much an adult. So one could only assume that they were thinking he'd done something illegal.

After a good fifteen minutes of talking and explaining that he'd done nothing wrong, the other two finally gave up on questioning him. However, we had yet to inform them of my... condition.

There's a knock on the door, but as the one with the wild hair, Kuroo as I had learned he was called, opened it, no one saw anything there. Or rather no one except for me. The four men merely shrugged it off, but I couldn't just ignore it.

He was back once again and I knew exactly why. "It's time," he said, though only I could hear. The only time you ever see or hear a ghost is when they let you, and right now, he didn't want to be seen or heard. "You've reached your limit. If you stay any longer-"

"I know." If a ghost stays in the human world too long, they change. No matter how strong or kindhearted, you'll always turn once you reach your limit. My gaze shifted to my right hand and the discolored patch on it.

It begins with your skin. It'll start to turn into a sickly grey tone, starting in a small speck and rapidly grows with time. As that progresses, your personality will become twisted and dark. You won't remember anything good and even those that you loved the most would be in danger if they got anywhere near you.

The spot on my hand had been merely a speck when Bokuto had arrived, but now, it was already almost the size of my palm. At this rate, I could turn completely before sunrise came. It was too risky to stay, even though I really wanted to.

Slowly I looked to Bokuto. "It's time to go." My voice came out quieter than I meant it to. Before I could leave, there was one last thing I had to say. "Koutaro. That's the password for my computer. It should still work. It'll have answers for you, if you want to know."

Bokuto is quiet for a moment as the information processes. "It's the same as my first name?"

I nodded. It was the name of someone I knew back when I was still alive. Though now, it had been so long that I couldn't even remember his face clearly. In fact, I barely remembered anything that was on my computer besides some pictures. But since I was no longer alive, it didn't matter if my secrets stayed secret. Bokuto had once shared his story with me, and now I was doing the same. "I have to say goodbye now. I'm sorry, but after this, you won't be seeing me again." As I stepped through the door of Room 1309, I cast one last glance back. "Goodbye, Koutaro."

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