No More Games (Kenma Kozume)

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Wizzy: As requested, here is part 2 of Playing Games.

It's funny how you can remember things at strange times. Right now I found myself thinking back to the moment I'd met a certain someone who had caught my attention.

At the time, I'd merely thought that he might be fun to try and mess with. Though that thought had been quickly derailed by his bedheaded friend. But even though I'd only been messing with... what was his name again? Oh well, doesn't matter... one thing I had said was entirely honest; I really did think he was cute.

Right now, I was replaying that entire event in my mind as I walked along the street. I really should have been paying attention to where I was going instead because I ended up getting lost. Having only moved to the area recently, it was quite obvious how wandering off could create some issues. Lucky for me, I soon ran into a guy wearing red clothing with "Nekoma" written across the back. Or I assumed it did, as I could only see fragments of the letters.

"Hey!" I called out the guy, not even bothering to look at anything other than his clothing. However, once he turned to face me, we were both in for a shock. It was the same boy I'd been messing with a week or so ago. Or had he been the one from two days ago? No, it was two weeks. I'd seen him on my first day at Nekoma.

The second he saw me, he turned and started walking just a bit faster than he had been. Okay, I couldn't say I blamed him for wanting to run away from me; he'd seemed really flustered after our one encounter. But right now was a bad time for this. It's not like I could ask anyone for help; he was the only one around that I could actually trust.

"Please wait!" I called out as I ran to catch up to him, my voice sounding more desperate than I'd intended it to. Grabbing his arm lightly, I finally got him to stop.

He turned towards me with an emotionless face. "Kuro says I shouldn't talk to you." That hit me like a knife. This 'Kuro' person must be that bedheaded guy who told me off for trying to mess with Kenma. Aha! That's right, Kenma was this guy's name.


"He means me," a voice said near us. That was a voice I wasn't about to forget. Bedhead. "Tetsuro Kuroo. Now you get away from Kenma, you vixen."

I flinched at his insult. Sure, it wasn't the first time I'd been called something like that, but it had never been to my face and never when I was genuinely trying to ask for help. "I wasn't even doing anything!" I whimpered as Bedhead/Kuroo started dragging Kenma away.

"I'm not going to give you a chance to." Kuroo's so mean... But could you really blame him after the way I acted the one time we'd met before? He was probably protective of Kenma.

Watching them walking away, I felt my heart sinking. They'd really leave a girl like me all alone and defenseless out here? And to think they thought I was cruel... Acting solely out of desperation, I called out to Kenma once more. "I'm lost and don't know who else to ask for help..."

The pair stopped and Kuroo looked back at me. Something told me he didn't believe me. "Why don't you just call your family or a friend?"

"Don't you think that I would have done that already if I could?" None of my family would be anywhere near here for at least another week. And having only moved here recently, I hadn't exactly made any friends. None that would actually help me out, at least. "I don't have anyone else that can help me and I... I don't want to ask a stranger because I'm alone at home."

"Too bad..." Kuroo just resumed walking with Kenma at his side. But after a few steps, Kenma stopped and looked back at me as I stared sadly at him.

Don't leave me alone... I silently pleaded. I hated to think of all the things that could happen.

Kenma said something that I couldn't hear, making his friend stop and stare back at him. The two had a little discussion between themselves before Kuroo continued walking on. They were going to leave me. They were really leaving me out here by myself.

But Kenma didn't follow right after his bedheaded friend. His gaze turned to me and he made a motion with his hand. A little sort of wave... a goodbye? No... more like a 'follow me' sort of motion. With a smile, I ran to catch up.

Maybe Kenma was a good guy after all. I had to remember to find some way to thank him later... and to apologize for my behavior the first time.

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