If You Can't Say It, Show It (Chikara Ennoshita)

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Wizzy: Finally got this done! You wanted a sequel for Ennoshita and Little Suga, so here it is!

Ever since that day, something about Little Suga had seemed off. If I could have, I'd have asked her what was wrong. If I could have... Lately, it seemed like she'd been avoiding me. Of course, I had no idea why or if she actually was avoiding me on purpose.

Unable to ask her directly, I decided to talk to her brother about it. Pulling him to the side, I felt myself getting a little nervous. Though things like that were pretty normal for me, so I just pushed through it. "Hey, Suga... your sister..." I really wanted to ask, but just putting the words together was a struggle. Taking a deep breath, I tried it again. "I think your sister's been avoiding me."

I'd expected him to be surprised, but that wasn't how he reacted. In fact, he seemed calm, like he already knew. "If you want to know why, you'll have to ask her."

As if it were that simple... I'd already tried to, but I hadn't had any chance to say even a single word to her. All I could do was sigh. "How can I do that when she won't talk to me?" I didn't even know what I could have possibly done wrong.

Sugawara glanced around the room before stepping closer and lowering his voice a bit. "I promised I'd let her handle these things on her own, but I will say this..." he paused a minute and I waited for him to continue. "Think back to the last day you talked to her. What happened that day?"

I did as he asked and thought about it. Still, I couldn't see what I'd done wrong. "Well, it doesn't have anything to do with your sister, but a classmate of mine confessed to me earlier that day and I rejected her." That one surprised Sugawara. "Though I did agree to walk her home that day. And then she showed up when-"

That was it. That had been the moment when Little Suga had started acting weird. "Your sister had said there was something she wanted to talk to me about something and then when that girl showed up, she made up an excuse and just said it was something for homework and that she'd just ask you instead. Then she just ran off," I explained. Though even though I could pinpoint that moment, I couldn't quite figure out why though.

"After your sister ran off, the girl I was walking with made some joke about how she was probably going to confess. But that couldn't be possible." I shook my head. Little Suga would never feel like that towards me, right? "Even if she thought like that about anyone, it would be someone like Daichi or Tanaka or Nishinoya..." My voice grew smaller as continued. "She'd never fall for someone like me..."

Sugawara's mouth fell open in surprise and his eyes widened as he realized what I'd just said. "Ennoshita, do you like her?"

(Little Sugawara/Reader's POV)

I wanted to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted to see him. I didn't want to see him. My mind was such a mess after I'd seen my crush with his girlfriend.

Maybe she wasn't really his girlfriend. I hadn't seen them together since that day. But then again, I had been trying to avoid Ennoshita, so of course I hadn't seen them.

I sat against the wall with my knees pulled to my chest. My face was buried in my arms as I tried not to cry. In all my life, my heart had never ached like this. Unrequited love is always the worst... Maybe I should just give up on him. It seemed like the best idea.

My phone buzzed with a text. That was probably Koushi again... He'd sent me at least four texts within the past fifteen minutes. Each one was just like the last, insisting that I come to the gym to meet him. Like the others, I just ignored it.

Another minute later, it started ringing. Apparently, he'd given up on texting. I hit the button to reject the call, but it started ringing barely a second after. Repeating this several more times he gave up on them. Suddenly there was another text. This time, I at least read it.

Get your ass down here NOW.

Koushi had to be pretty mad if he were talking like that. Or maybe one of the guys had stolen his phone. Moments later there came another.

Don't make me come and get you.

And then another.

I sent Tanaka and Nishinoya after you. Get here now.

I sighed and stuffed my phone into my pocket. Sure, practice was over now, but that didn't mean that Ennoshita wasn't still there. That was a risk that I wasn't willing to take right now. No matter how much I cared for him, he was the one person I couldn't face right now.

"There you are," I heard the familiar voice of Tanaka say. Looking up, I met the eyes of both Tanaka and Noya. "Your brother has been worried sick about you. Why won't you go meet him?"

I didn't answer him. There wasn't any good reason not to, just my own stupid emotions. "I don't want to," I said, putting my head down again.

That answer didn't please the second-year duo. "Suga says to make come with us and if you won't come willingly, then I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you there."

My head snapped up at Noya's threat. He might have just barely been taller than me and noticeably stronger too, but could he actually do that? Or was it just a bluff? Though if Noya couldn't, I knew Tanaka most definitely could.

"You wouldn't..."

Long story short, I ended up in the gym. Against my will of course.

After some dragging and insisting, I now found myself face to face with the one person I didn't want to see. Even though I loved him, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. It just hurt too much. Why would Koushi do this to me? So cruel...

Now that we were alone, I wasn't sure what to say. Sure, I probably owed him some answers after I'd avoided him for so long. But what could I possibly say to him? 'Hey I was going to confess to you but then your girlfriend showed up and I've been too heartbroken to even look at you'? Just thinking it sounded stupid.

This silence was killing me. Say something, Ennoshita!

"I-" Ennoshita started to speak, but it seemed his nerves had gotten the better of him. The awkward silence continued until I felt something grabbing my hands. I looked up to see him standing closer, but his eyes were focused on the ground.

I heard him mumbling something, but I couldn't quite understand. His grip on my hands tightened. His eyes shifted up to meet my own and before I even knew it was happening, something soft pressed against my lips.

As Ennoshita pulled away, I remembered something I'd once heard Koushi say. If you can't say something, then try to show it instead. That's right... This was my one chance to tell him what I felt. And if I couldn't find the words, then I had to show him somehow.

But as I opened my mouth to speak, I was interrupted by Ennoshita's voice. "I like you!" he said suddenly. "For a long time now, I've really liked you... Will you..." I could see his words getting caught in his throat, but I knew what he was asking and that was all that matter.

Giving his hands a gentle squeeze. "Yes." And with that, I kissed him.

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