Gamers (Kenma Kozume)

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Wizzy: I'm just borrowing the names for the co-workers XD It's not actually Kindaichi and Tendo. As funny as that would be, it would make no sense at all.

"You're in luck. Looks like we've got one copy of it," the guy behind the counter said. This little game shop was one I came to pretty often, so I'd gotten to know a few of the guys who worked there. Lucky for me, the two here today were ones I knew. Yutaro was the one talking to me now. "Should be right on the shelf."

I shook my head. "I looked, but I didn't see it." It was possible that I just missed it though.

That was when the other guy spoke. His name was Satori and his appearance always reminded me of someone, though I could never remember who. "Why don't you have Eagle Eyes find it?" he suggested, laughing like there was some joke that I wasn't aware of. Though I was curious: who was this 'Eagle Eyes'?

Yutaro grinned like Kuroo always did. "That's right... she's working today, isn't she?" So there was a third person working today... wait... did he just say 'she'? As in a female?

Without another word passing between them, Satori called out to this other employee. "Yo Eagle Eyes!" Almost instantly, a girl peeked out from the other side of a row of shelves. "Resident Evil 5, go!"

"On it!" The girl just flashed a grin and disappeared from view.

Satori and Yutaro just chuckled to themselves. "She's a cutie, huh?" Yutaro said, smirking. "It's too bad that she's a bit young for us. But not for you I guess." From what I knew, the two were 23 and 25, with Satori being the younger.

Satori laughed. "She's single by the way." There was another Kuroo-smirk. "She's great in bed too." That earned him a punch in the shoulder from his coworker. "Ow! I just heard it from Kou! It's not like I did anything with her. Though I wouldn't mind if-" He was cut off by another punch from Yutaro.

"Are you boys ever going to grow up?"

(Reader's POV)

"Are you boys ever going to grow up?" I said in a scolding tone. So immature... but there were my friends. Slowly, I made my way over. In my hands was the game that the one boy had been looking for. I'd actually found it almost as soon as they'd asked, but I wanted to hear a bit of their conversation.

Of course, I didn't expect Satori to mention the brief fling I'd had with his brother Koutaro. Not to a stranger at least. Even if the stranger was cute. His hair was interesting too. What was that word again for hair like that... pudding head? I think that was it.

"Nope," Satori grinned at me. Then, as I figured he would, he gestured to the boy he'd been talking to. "This is Kenma. He comes in a lot, but this is the first time you two have been here at the same time."

I nodded politely to him. "It's nice to meet you, Kenma," I said handing him the game. "Have you played this one yet?" He shook his head. "Well, it's definitely a good one. It's even better if you play it co-op."

As I smiled at him, he awkwardly looked away. That, unsurprisingly, gave Satori something to tease about. "Maybe you could be his co-op," he said suggestively.

"Oh shut up Satori," I playfully scolded him.

"Hmm? Did you make some new friends, Kenma?" a voice called out as I saw a taller guy with messy hair make his way over. Must have been a friend of his. "You ready to go?"

Kenma nodded and started to leave with his friend. But what Satori had said had given me an idea. I couldn't let him leave quite yet.

"Hey Kenma, wait a sec!" I called to the boy before looking at Satori who gave me a knowing grin and tossed me a pen and some paper. Quickly scribbling something down, I handed the paper to Kenma. "If you're ever looking for a co-op, give me a call."

He smiled and waved goodbye while I tried to ignore Satori's teasing. Kenma seemed quite interesting and, if I ever got the chance, I would have liked to get to know him.

Extended Ending:

As the two walked away from the little game shop, they talked about the scene that had just played out. "You know she was hitting on you, right?"

"No, she wasn't."

"She definitely was. When she said that, she was offering more than just playing video games."

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do. I know her."

"She didn't seem to know you."

Kuroo decided to rethink his former response. "I know her, but we've never met."


"Well, a while back Bokuto was whining about being a virgin, so his bro Satori hooked him up with a girl he worked with. And afterward Bokuto wouldn't stop bragging about how awesome it was and kept showing me pictures."

"So that's why Satori always looked so familiar..."

There was silence between the two boys for a while. "So you gonna call her?"

Kenma thought about his question for a few moments before answering. "Maybe." After all, she did know more about the game than he did.

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