Devil In Disguise (Tetsuro Kuroo)

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Wizzy: The song, later on, is "Mr. Sadistic Night" by Mikoto. Or better known as the opening theme from Diabolik Lovers.

"Speak of the devil..." I mumbled to myself as Kuroo walked past me. My friends and I were just talking about him a moment ago and now there he was. Silently I hoped he wouldn't notice me.

Beside me, one of my three friends, Kyu, giggled. "You know you like him."

"I do not!" I said a little too loudly, earning me several looks from everyone nearby. Afterward, I lowered my voice a ton. "Tetsuro Kuroo is the devil..."

"I smell denial..." another friend sang with a stupid smile on her face.

That only irritated me further. "I am not in denial!" My arms crossed over my chest. No way in hell would I ever like a guy like him. Okay, maybe I did find him a little attractive. Okay fine... he was very attractive. Any girl would think that, but I'll never admit that I thought it. "He is the devil in disguise."

Of course, my friends would never believe me no matter how many times I deny it. The fact that I also agreed to be the volleyball team's manager really easily wasn't much help. No, my crush on that bedheaded schemer was much too obvious, at least to those who knew me well.

After a few more minutes of arguing about it, my friends finally gave up on trying to get me to admit it. Alone, I made my way to the clubroom to finish up some papers that needed to be done by the end of the week. Even if I had a few more days to get it done, I wanted to get it over with. And right now while the boys weren't around was the perfect time to do it.

It was nice, working alone in the clubroom. Headphones in, music playing. No volleyballs flying at my head. No loud Yamamoto. No annoying Lev. And no Tetsuro Kuroo. So peaceful... It wasn't long before I lost track of time, as well as the world around me. I didn't even realize that I was singing along to the songs that played either.

Tsukiyo no shijima wo kirisaki

Oikakereba oikakeru hodo kanjita kakushin

Uh, masaka no famu fataru?

Matowasareta wana ni wakitateba

Kumifuseta tenohira ni

Kirameita gin no kurosu wa shigyaku no kiwami sa

"Motto, hoshiin daro?" a voice sang in my ear. That voice wasn't coming from my headphones though, so of course, it startled me. I jumped, the papers that I was working on flying out of my hands.

My scarer laughed, making me turn to glare at him. And who else did it have to be besides the one and (thankfully) only Tetsuro Kuroo? "That's a pretty sadistic little song there," he smirked. "I never thought you'd be into that kinda stuff."

His presence made me even more irritated. Even if he sounded extremely sexy when he- Oh crap. Did I really just think that? I swear my face was turning red right now.

I quickly collected my scattered pages, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. Just as I'd gotten the last of them, I was pushed against the wall. Kuroo got too close too quickly. The only thing I could do was squeeze my eyes shut and wait for whatever he was about to do. But then nothing happened.

Opening my eyes slowly, I was a bit surprised. He'd backed away and was now staring at me with that stupid smirk of his. The jerk had only been trying to mess with. That's all that ever happened with the two of us. All I was to him was just some girl he liked to tease.

"Tease..." I muttered to myself. Or I thought it was to myself. Kuroo had actually heard me and wasn't about to waste another "perfect" opportunity.

"Oh?" he purred teasingly. "Would you like me to actually do things to you?"

My face flared red again. Actually, it might have still been red from before. "No way in hell!" I quickly shouted out before rushing out the door. But I wasn't fast enough to get away without noticing his laughter at my reaction.

Tetsuro Kuroo... you really are the devil in disguise.

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