Lemons (Satori Tendo) *Mature*

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Wizzy: Satori is either the greatest friend ever or the worst. I don't know. You tell me. lol
Tried to do something a lil different, not sure if it was good or not.  As the title says, things get mature and there won't be a clean version for this. There wouldn't be anything there XD

 If there's one thing I hate about writing, it was the feeling that I'm left with after I've written something sexual. It's not that "what the hell did I just write" feeling that newbies and shy types get, but a more expected feeling... arousal.

As I finished the last sentence, I saved the chapter of my latest story and set my laptop aside. No matter how much I enjoyed writing them, the effect it had on my body was always pretty rough. And not having someone around to help relieve it... that was torturous.

It was easy enough to take care of myself, but I didn't want to get into a habit of doing it. Past experiences told me that it was a hard one to break, so I only ever did it late at night and when I desperately needed it. Right now, I definitely needed it, but it was in the middle of the day.

Unfortunately, it was bad enough that I didn't really care. I closed the curtains and laid on my bed. I unhooked my bra, moaning as it sent a wave of arousal through me. It's quickly tossed away, my soaked panties following soon after.

I would be quick this time... no matter how much fun it might be to draw it out. After all, I had a certain friend who had a bad habit of showing up at the most random of times... and Satori sure as hell had no understanding of the concept of knocking.

Slowly, I let my hand slip between my thighs. I'm a lot wetter than I thought... You'd think my own imagination couldn't get to me this badly...

A light gasp escapes as I let a finger slip inside, coating it in the wetness. My eyes close, trying to picture a face. Who's face did I want to see this time? I knew many attractive fellows I could play with.. even if only in my head. It takes no time at all to figure out who I'm craving this time.

As I start to move my fingers a bit faster, a quiet moan slips out. I have to be careful though... the last thing I want is for someone to hear me... but knowing that only makes it so much harder... and hotter.

As I open my eyes a bit, I find my gaze drifting to the door. Did I remember to lock it...? I thought so... but as I spot an all too familiar redhead leaning against my door, I knew I fucked up.

"S-Satori! What the hell?!" I scrambled to cover myself, but there was nothing within reach...except the blanket that I was currently laying on top of. Not that it mattered, he'd clearly seen what I was doing.

"Aw... I was enjoying the show..." he hummed, seemingly unfazed by the situation. "Hmm... though if you're not turned off... I can't say I wouldn't mind joining you~"

Of course... of course he'd say that... and of course I'm actually thinking about it. What the hell is wrong with me? Oh, right... I'm horny. Still, it's such a tempting offer...

When I take too long to answer, I see him lock the door and come over to the bed. I didn't immediately tell him to get out, so in his mind, I'd pretty much already said yes. Not that I'm even considering refusing.

As he sits down in front of me, he doesn't hesitate to take his shirt off. If I had been wanting to refuse him, right now would be my last chance, but I don't want to. I don't even struggle in the least as he pulls me towards him, my back pulled to his chest.

His hand slides down my front, stroking me lightly. "You're really ready to go, ain't ya?" Satori hummed, his face nuzzling my neck. "I think I want to play with you a bit first though..." He chuckled lightly. "SemiSemi would be so jealous..."

I didn't know what Semi had to do with this but just hearing that excited me. He was probably just making things up to get me more riled up... and it was definitely working.

His fingers slid over a sensitive little nub and I can't suppress a moan. "S-Satori..." Almost as if he were trying to tease me, he did it again, slower this time. I squirmed in his grasp. Maybe I should have kept doing it myself...

But just as I was thinking that, his fingers slid inside, making my hips buck forward into his hand. He knew how to tease, that was for sure... but I wasn't in the mood for teasing... I felt so hot that I was aching.

"Mmm... I guess I shouldn't tease too much, hmm?" He's got that playful smirk of his on his face, I just know it. He removed his hand and immediately I feel empty. If not for him pushing me forward onto my hands and knees, I might have thought he was just going to leave me to finish myself off.

I can't see what he's doing, but I can feel his hands on my hips, guiding my body to his. He slides himself inside me so easily and immediately I feel so close... like even the tiniest bit of movement will push me over my limit.

Satori wasted no time... he didn't ease into it slowly... no, he came out fast and hard. Maybe the teasing had been more for him...

He hits just the right spot, making me cry out. I hope no one heard that...

My insides felt hot and tight... like they'd burst any moment. One more good thrust and I'm sent over the edge, my vision going white and my body clenching around him. I don't even know if he finished or not... I'm too busy being lost in the ecstasy.

By the time I can actually think again, I'm laying on the bed, Satori at my side. On the pillow beside me is his phone... message open.

Normally I wouldn't dare look, but my curiosity got the better of me.

What the hell Tendo?

The message said it was from SemiSemi, which wasn't all that weird since the two males were friends. What was weird, however, was what came before the message. A picture... and not just any picture... it was a picture of me... and oh man did I have the lewdest expression on my face... and behind me was just a glimpse of Satori's red hair.

I snatched the phone up and scrolled through, though I immediately wished I hadn't. It wasn't just one picture... and it most certainly hadn't been accidental. He'd caught a good portion of our activities in pictures... pictures that his friend and teammate now had. "Satori, what the fuck?"

Satori just laughed. "I told you SemiSemi would be jealous~" He took the phone from my hands and tossed it aside. "He's totally got a thing for you."

Satori was either the greatest friend ever or the absolute worst...

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