Mananizer (Yuu Nishinoya)

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Wizzy: It was so hard not to burst out laughing while I was writing this one. 

Today was a slow day in the ice cream shop. Though maybe it seemed to be slow because the same guy had come into the place several times today. And each time, he'd brought someone with him. Not even the same person each time either. No, he brought a different guy with him every time.

First an energetic, orange-haired boy. Then a big guy who seemed to be the nervous type. And then some tough-acting bald guy. But wait, there are several more. A blonde who seem irritated to be there. Following that was a dark-haired boy who seemed like he was equally annoyed as the blonde. Then there were three times with fairly normal, yet unmemorable guys. Then there was a cutely shy one. And then a handsome, mature-looking fellow. Then at last a sweet silver-haired guy with who I had a nice chat.

After being here eleven times in one day with a different guy, I started to get an interesting impression of the short, but cute boy. He was a womanizer. Wait, you can only call it that if it involves women. So what would he be called then?

Giving it some thought, I came up with nothing. It was actually a good question. Just what do you call that? Not wanting to give up, I asked one of my co-workers. He gave it a minute of thought before he gave his suggestion. "Hmm... mananizer?"

I gave a little laugh as a customer came in. When I saw his face, I burst out laughing. He was back. Oh wow, he was actually alone this time. "No boyfriend this time?" I joked. Had there been any other customers, I wouldn't have dared say that.

The boy's face instantly went pale. Worried I may have upset him, I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, it was just a joke..." With a nervous laugh, I offered him a soda-flavored popsicle; he seemed to really like those since that was what he'd gotten every time. "You came in here eleven times with eleven different guys. What did you expect me to think?"

His face was tinged with pink as he scratched the back of his head nervously. "They're just the other members of the volleyball team..." he mumbled. Apparently, I'd misinterpreted what I'd seen.

As he took the popsicle, I smiled. "So why not just all show up at the same time? Seems like the most obvious answer." It sounded like the best idea, but the boy in front of me didn't seem to agree.

He scratched at the back of his head again. "Well, if I did that then I'd only get to see you once..." The boy looked away shyly. "I'm Yuu Nishinoya." He kept his head turned away, but he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "I... just wanted to see you more..."

Nishinoya wanted to see me? "Why would you want to do that?" I asked innocently. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't understand.

It wasn't until my co-worker stepped in that I finally got it. "He's trying to say he has a crush on you, Captain Oblivious."

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