The Chase (Asahi Azumane)

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Wizzy: Alright, here's a sequel to the last Asahi one. I think it's pretty cute. By the way, I think the song "Immortals" by Fall Out Boy goes quite well with reading this. But maybe that's because I was listening to it when I got the idea and then again when I was writing it.

Seeing that smile on his face when he'd seen the chalk drawing I'd done of him, I couldn't help but feel happy. Asahi's gaze slowly turned upward, quickly scanning the area before landing on me. I gave him a gentle smile. Would he follow me if I ran off right now? Deciding to give it a try, I waved and ran off into a nearby alleyway.

(Asahi's POV)

I'd come here just to see her again. When she'd run off, something inside said, 'follow her.' And that's just what I did. Gently pushing my way past the crowd of girls staring at my picture, I raced after that girl with a messy ponytail and chalk speckled face.

Reaching the alleyway she'd disappeared into, I just barely caught sight of her ponytail as she vanished around a corner.

(Reader's POV)

He was out of sight, but I knew he wasn't far behind. When the alley crossed with another, I ducked over to one of the sides, just out of sight. Moments later, I saw him pass me and stop.

Asahi looked around, trying to guess the path I'd taken. He didn't even consider what I was about to do. Sneaking behind him, I tapped on his back and started to run down another alley. Before I got far, his hand shot out, gently grabbing my wrist.

He didn't say a word, and neither did I. After all, actions speak louder than words, right? Without even hesitating, I reached up and placed a kiss on his lips. I'd caught him by surprise, just as I'd hoped. Before he could react, I'd slipped my wrist from his grip and dashed off once more.

Not wasting a second, he raced after me again. Come on and catch me, Asahi! I cheered him on in my mind. With every twist and turn, he kept up quite easily. But no matter how fast he went, I was still just out of his reach.

When I'd finally gotten back to the sidewalk, I stopped and waited. Seconds after, he was right there. But what he did next was a shock to me. Pulling me to his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips gently against mine.

Now, I may have kissed him before, but I certainly hadn't expected him to kiss me now. He'd seemed like such a timid and nervous sort of guy, I didn't think he could even think of this. Maybe the rush of adrenaline from our little chase had given him some courage.

But whether or not I'd expected the kiss, one thing was certain: I had absolutely most definitely fallen for this gentle giant. And if this kiss meant anything, he might just have fallen for me too.

"Asahi?!?" several voices shout out, making us separated very quickly. Finding myself standing between his shocked friends and a blushing Asahi, I couldn't help but giggle. In the end, I still managed to forget that I still hadn't told him my name.

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