Family (Keiji Akaashi, Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy: No romance here at all. Also some slight Bokuto X Akaashi. Also in Akaashi's POV.

I was never particularly close with my family, but sometimes I would wonder what it would feel like if I had been. It's never more than just a fleeting thought, but it's a part of me that I'll never say out loud. That's just how I am.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto's waving and calling out to me now. Now that high school is over for us, we were roommates in our own place. As much as he annoys me, I can't say I dislike him. Even if I'll never admit it, he's my best friend; or the closest thing I have to one, anyway.

Beside him is a young girl, waving and smiling at me. She's a girl of about seventeen, with no family, no memory, nothing. Not even a name. But despite that, she's come to be a big part of our lives and it's hard to imagine being without her.

Bokuto had found her unconscious one day and, being the way he is, had refused to leave her side until she was awake and safe with her family. Unfortunately, the hospital couldn't find out anything. No matter how much searching anyone did, we couldn't find out anything. It was like she simply didn't exist until we'd found her.

After that it was no surprise that she'd almost immediately taken a liking to Bokuto; he always had been good with people. Having nowhere else that she could go and with her mind in its current condition, she ended up being left in the care of Bokuto and myself.

A couple of months later and here we are: a summertime festival. Bokuto had come up with the idea to go, saying that it would be fun and maybe it could help spark some memories. She's still right here by my side, but Bokuto disappeared some time ago. He's probably off playing games and failing quite badly.

However, the nameless girl next to me turned out to have quite a talent with these sorts of games. In almost no time, she'd managed to win a prize: a very happy and excited-looking stuffed owl. She smiled and held it up to show me. "Koutaro," she said, giggling.

Ever since she'd been with us, her mind seemed to have been reverted to a younger state, making her act much more childish. Also, she rarely spoke; the only word she'd ever say was Bokuto's first name. But even with that, I still managed to understand whatever she needed to tell me.

"You want to give it to Bokuto?" She nodded. It really reminded me of him; the stuffed toy's feathers matched the former ace's hair. "He'll like that."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. Bokuto always seemed to get most of her affection. Like when she'd greet us when we got home, she'd call out his name and nearly tackle him with a hug; I'd merely get a calm hug and a smile. Never once would she say my name, only his.

We soon met back up with Bokuto and he was more than happy about her little gift for him. After that she tried another game, easily winning and getting another prize. Once again it was an owl. Maybe she just like owls?

She looked right at me and smiled, holding it up for me to see. Unlike Bokuto's, his one looked a bit grumpy, or maybe just mildly annoyed or indifferent. I don't know; emotions were never my strong suit. "Keiji."

My dropped open slightly while Bokuto burst out laughing. For the moment, I decided to ignore the fact that this was the first time she'd said anything besides my best friend's first name. Was she trying to say that this owl was like me? Did she really see me as being so unhappy-looking?

She held it out to me, and as tempted as I was to refuse this gift, I took it. Knowing her and her innocent mind, she'd be hurt if I hadn't.

Not much later, she played another game. As I expected after the first two, she won with ease. And her prize this time? You guessed it: another owl. This time though, it was smaller than the first two and had a very cute expression and a pretty little bow on its head.

She hugged it tightly. "Koutaro." She pointed at Bokuto's owl. "Keiji." She pointed to mine. Last she pointed at her owl and herself. That's when it hit me.

The owls were supposed to be us. Two big owls and a little one. Almost like two parents and a child. "A family," I said, a light smile sneaking onto my face. That's right, the three of us were kinda like a family. Maybe very messed up and potentially dysfunctional, but still a family.

The rest of that night, as the three of us wandered around together, I couldn't get that out of my head. I kept wondering if everyone who saw us was thinking that we were some gay couple and their daughter. Even though it was impossible for that to actually be true, I felt a bit paranoid about it.

It wasn't until after we'd returned home that my mind shut off those annoying thoughts.

Bokuto sat down on the couch, with her sitting right beside him. I passed off my owl to her while I headed into the kitchen to make dinner. But after today, cooking was the last thing I felt like doing and I wandered back into the living room. When I got there, I couldn't help but smile at the sight I saw.

The two were fast asleep, leaning against each other. Between them were our three owls; the two larger ones looking like they were cuddling the smaller one. I took a quick picture with my cell phone before covering them up with a blanket.

Even though it's very selfish of me to think it, I wish that she would never get her memories back. If it could just stay this way forever... just the three of us like this... I would be happy. It's pathetically selfish of me to wish it, but I don't really care.

Bokuto is overly energetic, childish, his mood swings are insane and he annoys me like nothing else. She's sweet, childish, innocent, and a little too honest at times. I'm calm, reserved, distant, and probably terrible at sharing my emotions. Alone we're beyond imperfect, but together... we're like a family.

No, we are a family. And as messed up as we might be, I wouldn't trade us for anything.

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