Lovers Problems 3 (Hayato Yamagata)

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Wizzy: Final part for Hayato's Creature Collection. Hope you enjoy. Also, read my Creature Collection book if you enjoyed this.

"He's a handsome one, isn't he?"

On the bench beside me was an old woman. She must have noticed me staring at a certain young man nearby, playfully wrestling with a wolf pup.

I couldn't help but smile. "Hayato is very handsome," I hummed, agreeing with her. If she were a young woman, I might have been jealous, but she was just a friendly old lady who just so happened to be enjoying the park, much like I was.

"Your boyfriend, is he?"

"My husband, actually."

The old lady raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Aren't you a bit young to be married?"

"Probably... but sometimes you just know when someone is the one." Just after graduating, Hayato and I got married. We were probably a bit too young to take such a serious step, but we were sure that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Not once have I ever regretted that decision.

I watched as the small wolf playfully tackled Hayato. Or rather, Hayato let him. They seemed to be having fun, rolling and wrestling around on the grass. It was quite an adorable sight... my husband and our son playing together.

Back in our last year of high school, after our incredibly risky first time, I'd decided to go on birth control. Since it hadn't seemed like anything was going to happen prior to then, I hadn't bothered. Of course, fate had other plans. By the time I was actually able to get to where I could start on birth control, I'd found out that I was pregnant.

Hayato was shocked, but he wasn't worried. In a few months, we'd be out of school ready to take on the responsibilities of adults. In truth, that may have sparked the idea of us getting married, but it wasn't like it was the only reason.

I loved Hayato and he loved me. It was as simple as that.  Our relationship wasn't the most normal, but we always made it work. Now here we were, a little over four years later, happily married with a beautiful little boy and still as in love as ever.

"Young love is such a beautiful thing..." The old lady smiled, reaching over to give my hand a squeeze. "You be sure to tale good cared of him."

"Of course."

As she withdrew her hand, I turned my focus back on my husband and child. Hayato had let himself be tackled again and feigned defeat, a triumphant-looking wolf pup sitting on his father's chest. The scene made me giggle.

"I don't believe I've ever seen a dog like that before... what is it?" The old woman's eyes were on Hayato and the pup.

I couldn't help but laugh. "He's a werewolf."

She didn't seem too surprised. Werewolves were rather common now, especially in our area. Still, it wasn't every day you saw a child in full wolf form.

Despite only being half-werewolf, the child was rarely not in wolf form. Whether it was just automatic for him or just because he liked to be that way, no one could say. Regardless, he was my baby and I loved him.

It was then that my son ran up to me, climbing his way onto my lap, still in wolf mode. "Why don't we put wolfie away for a bit, okay sweetie?" I spoke softly, scratching behind his ears.

Slowly the little pup shifted to a human form, but the wolf ears and tail still remained. Close enough, I supposed.

"He looks like his father. He'll be quite the looker once he's older," the old lady laughed as Hayato joined us.

Both he and our son were covered in dirt. Of course, they did just spend our time here rolling around on the ground. It would have been a miracle if they weren't dirty.

Hayato smiled and lightly patted our son's head. The child simply snuggled into my arms, already looking ready to fall asleep. Playtime with daddy always did wear him right out. "You about ready to head home?"

I smiled, not missing the playful glint in Hayato's eye. He did always have so much energy, it seemed. Slowly I stood, the child still nestled in my arms as I said my goodbyes to the kind old lady.

Maybe our relationship hadn't always been perfect... and maybe we'd had to grow up faster than we'd planned... Maybe we had no clue where life would take us... but there was one thing that I was sure of: I loved Hayato and if I had the chance to go back and do things over, I wouldn't change a single thing.

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