Happily Ever After (Koushi Sugawara)

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I never thought that things could ever end up like this. Never did I think that I'd ever doubt my own feelings. What I feel about life... about you... about us... I don't even know anymore.

Sometimes... sometimes I wonder if I'm even capable of feeling love anymore...

"I'm sorry... I... I just can't do this anymore..." I said, my voice just barely a whisper. It shouldn't have gone on this long, but I just never had the heart to end things.

Three weeks had gone by since that day. I'd ended it because I thought that I wasn't in love with him anymore. But if that were really true... then why does my heart still ache so much?

I don't understand it... I ended it, so why do I hurt? I typed out into the message box. Within seconds, I'd gotten a response.

Maybe because you miss him. Miss him? I didn't really feel like I did. But my friend was hardly ever wrong. In fact, he'd been the one to finally convince me that it would be better to end it.

Okay, so that sounds really bad. But really, he said that it would be better to end it now rather than lead him on. Wise advice coming from a guy. Not that a guy can't give good love advice...

No. You were right when you said that it's better to stop it instead of letting him think I still loved him. I thought a moment before adding a bit more. I don't think I'm even able to love anyone anymore. I think that maybe I feel sorry that I can't return his feelings.

For what seemed like hours, there was nothing. Maybe I'd scared him off like I always seemed to do with everyone who tried to get close to me. Guess that means I'm just a screw-up.

Um... I want to tell you something...

I wasn't sure how to react to that. In fact, it almost sounded like he was going too... Oh no... I was mentally freaking out now. He wasn't going to tell me that he was in love with me or something like that, was he? No, he'd have to be crazy to do that after what I'd just said. What is it?

There was a longer span of no response this time. Like he was afraid to say whatever it was. Wait... he really was going to... Please tell me I dreaming...

I... I want to meet you face to face.

I let out a sigh of relief. That was a lot better than what I'd been thinking. But before I could even finish typing my next words, he'd sent another message.

That's not actually what I wanted to say. But I want to say it to you face to face.

... and there's that fear again... For a moment I considered not even answering, but I couldn't. He was an important friend to me. Although, he'd never once told me what his real name was. But meeting would be easy since we lived in the same neighborhood.

... Ok. Where and when? Just typing those words made me nervous. The idea of meeting him was scary. The thought that he might actually want to see me to confess his feelings terrified me. His next words? I think they gave me a mini heart attack.

How about right now? Under the tree in the park with the broken branch. You know, the one where you said he had kissed you for the first time.

The fact that he remembered that last thing made me flinch. Of all the places to pick, it just had to be that one. Though I guess that was the easiest place that we both knew of. But that didn't make it any easier to think about.

I don't know why I agreed to it, but here I was, sitting under the tree. Despite the temptation, I wouldn't look up from my phone in my hand. Part of me really didn't want to know who it would be.

Even after receiving a message, I still couldn't bring myself to look up. I'm standing right in front of you. When I didn't move or respond, another message came through. Will you look at me?

I wish I could. I'm scared as hell though. Haha...

Then just close your eyes and turn your head upward, ok? That way, you don't have to see me and you don't have to be afraid.

That was easy for him to say. This was all his idea. But despite my growing fear, I did as he asked. Before I knew what was happening, something soft pressed against my lips. It wasn't hard to figure out that this person was kissing me.

However, there was something strange about it. These lips... this kiss... it felt... familiar...

Opening my eyes, I was shocked to see who was standing there. I pulled away quickly, though part of me wanted it to keep going. My mouth opened to speak, but no sounds came out.

The boy in front of me gave me a gentle smile as he knelt down in front of me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I wanted to know how you really felt," he said quietly, not meeting my eyes. "If you really felt that badly about ending it, then maybe that just meant that you didn't really want it to end."

As always, he was right. Sometimes it was like he always knew what I thought and felt before I even knew.

He reached out, placing his hand carefully on my cheek. Our eyes met and I could feel emotions welling up inside of me. Before I even knew what had come over me, tears had begun to fall and I'd thrown my arms around him. "I-I missed you, Suga," I said burying my face in his neck. Until now, I'd never realized just how nice it was to cry on someone's shoulder instead of sitting alone.

"I love you," he whispered, holding me tightly. "Let's give us another try." Unable to really say anything, I just nodded. "If you think that you'll never be able to love, then I'll just have to make you fall in love with me, no matter how long it takes."

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