Playing Games (Kenma Kozume)

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Wizzy: I thought this idea was pretty funny. Though I feel a little bad for Kenma in this... Haha... Oh and for those of you who liked Oikawa's one-shots "Heartless" and "Anyone But You", I turned it into a full story. It's called "No Better Lover Than Your Enemy.

New schools always interested me. The people in them even more so.

Currently, my newest friend, Sakura, was going on and on about all the boys in the school. Kiko, another girl sitting with us, occasionally added a few words as well.

Among everyone, one in particular caught my eye. "Who's that?" I made a motion towards a blonde-haired boy who was incredibly focused on something on his phone.

My friends seemed surprised by my question. Apparently, others never paid much attention to the guy. "Him? That's Kenma Kozume."

"Kenma, huh?" I hummed. "He's kinda cute. What do you know about him?"

Sakura was a bit surprised by my bold comment but quickly recovered. "He's quiet, keeps to himself a lot."

"He's also in the Volleyball Club," Kiko added, taking a quick look at the boy.

"Alright, what else?"

"He seems to spend a lot of time playing games."

"Any friends?"

"Not really."

"He doesn't socialize."

As they went on saying things about the cute boy, I found myself becoming more and more interested in him. "Really?"

"Yeah." Kiko looked over at the boy who was still completely focused on his phone. "It's like he hardly reacts to anything at all."

"No reactions, huh?" For a girl like me, a guy who didn't usually react to anything was an interesting challenge that I could never resist. "Sounds like Kenma Kozume is going to be a fun one."

"Fun?" Both girls next to me looked at me with an expression of pure shock. "Kenma Kozume is fun?"

"How is that even possible?"

"Because I'm going make Mr. Reactionless over there react in ways you never imagined."

"What are you going to do, seduce him?"

With a playful smirk, I came up with a plan in my head. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

After waiting for the perfect time, I approached my victim. "Hey there." He didn't respond. "You know when a lady says hello, you're supposed to respond." When he still didn't speak, I frowned. There had to be some way to get this cutie's attention. Then I got an idea.

Standing behind him, I leaned forward, making sure my chest was pressed against his back. Let's see him ignore me now. "What are you doing?"

"So you do speak, huh Kenma?" I giggled innocently. Oh, how I love to play games like this. I leaned forward a bit more. Now my face was right next to Kenma's. If we were to turn our heads at the same time, we'd no doubt collide. "What's this little game?"

I could see his face turning red. "Why are you so close to me?" Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed three figures watching us closely. On was a handsome bedheaded fellow who was busy trying to hold back a very tall guy with the help of a shorter, light-haired guy. Tall Guy looked like he really wanted to come rushing over. Bedhead looked like he was actually amused at the sight of us.

"Hey, I've played this game before." Actually, I'd never seen this game in my life. "How'd you manage to beat level twenty?" He was on level 63, so I assumed there was a level 20. I mean, what game has a level 63 without a 20? "I'm sort of stuck there."

Kenma calmly explained it, though his face was still red. As he went through it, I acted like I was listening, occasionally throwing in a random question to make it look like I was actually interested. Though the only thing I was interested in was getting a reaction out of this guy.

After a long explanation, I finally got my chance. "Alright, I think I get it now." Slowly, I wrapped my arms around him. "So, you got a girlfriend, cutie?" Kenma instantly froze. The blush on his face grew darker and he was beginning to look like a tomato statue.

At that moment, the bedheaded guy who was still watching us burst out laughing. Unable to stop myself, I released Kenma and started laughing hysterically. Bedhead's laugh sounded like a villain. "Your laugh is hilarious!" I just barely got the words out; I was laughing so hard.

After I'd calmed down, Bedhead stood between me and my adorable victim. On his face was a very serious expression. The only words he said were calm, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was a threat. "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to mess with our setter. Playing games like that is very cruel. Don't you dare try it again or we may not be so forgiving."

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