Confession (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: Someone wanted a sequel to Closure. So here's what I ended up with.

I'd made up my mind to give up on my feelings for Semi. There was no way that it could work, so I thought that I would save myself the pain... but... even though that was what I decided, feelings don't just disappear overnight...

Semi was still very much on my mind... and in my drawings just as much. Even now, I was still drawing that beautiful face of his.

"That's cute," a voice spoke up from beside me, nearly making me drop my pencil. I looked up, seeing a redheaded third year that I knew as one of Semi's teammates. Couldn't remember his name though. "SemiSemi would be all flustered if he saw you drawing him like that."

I just looked back at my drawing. "I like drawing him..."

"You mean that you like him," he corrected me.

Was it really that obvious? "I... yeah..." He clearly already knew, so denying it would be kind of pointless. Besides, I did already confess to Semi. Maybe it had been through an anonymous letter, but it was still a confession. "It's not like it would go anywhere though... Someone like him is probably really popular with the girls..."

The redhead laughed. "SemiSemi? Popular with the ladies? That's hilarious."

"Tendo, stop pestering the poor girl."

I looked up at the sound of the voice. That was him. Semi. This was my chance to actually talk to him... and yet I couldn't seem to say a single word.

Tendo seemed to think it was amusing. "Hey, SemiSemi-"

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

Tendo ignored him. "SemiSemi, this little cutie has a crush on you. Isn't that adorable?"

At that, Semi's gaze turned to me. Here I was, my crush now finding out that I have a crush on him, and I can't seem to do anything. And of course, he's staring at me like I'm some kind of freak.

"Do I know you?" We'd never really met each other, so it wasn't like I could get mad or be upset that he had no idea who I was. I shook my head. "Didn't think so... Look, I'm flattered, but-"

"Did you see the pictures?" Tendo cut him off before he had the chance to officially reject me. It's not like I hadn't been expecting to get rejected in the first place.

Tendo snatched my sketchbook out of my hands, flipping through the pages, making sure Semi was looking. This guy... He is either the biggest asshole or the most insane wingman... and I'm not sure which would be worse... "She makes you look all sexy when she draws you, even when you're not."

Can I get hit by lightning right now? Or just have the earth swallow me whole? That would be pretty great right about now... much better than having to deal with Tendo and... whatever it was he was trying to accomplish here.

They stare at my drawings for a while, neither saying anything. After a moment, Semi pulled something out of his pocket. He carefully unfolded the paper and held it out. "You draw this one too?"

I slowly nodded. That was the same drawing that I'd stuck under his door... the one that I'd left with my confession letter.

Semi carefully folded it back up and slid it into his pocket. "Do I... Do I really look like that to you?" Again I nodded. "Well, I'd have to say you're the only one who sees me like that."

I looked down at my feet, not really sure what to say. It wasn't like it wasn't going to change his mind about me. "Um... Semi? Would it be okay if I kept drawing you like that?"

"Go for it. It's not like I can tell you not to..." If he said not to, I wouldn't do it, but he didn't seem like he minded.

"SemiSemi, you should just date her. I mean, how often does a girl actually show interest in you? Like never!"

Semi decided to ignore Tendo. "Look, I don't know you. I can't exactly just start dating some girl I've never actually met before... but I don't see anything wrong with at least trying to get to know each other. I can't promise you anything more than that, but what do you say?"

"Well, obviously she's going to say yes. She's not stupid."

Again, Semi chose to ignore Tendo.

"I... I'd like that."

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