Coffee (Eita Semi)

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That's not right...

I deleted the sentence and tried again.

No, that sounds too cliché...

I swear I've spent the past week writing and rewriting this same scene... No matter how many times I tried though, I just couldn't seem to get it right. Maybe it was time for a break...

Sighing, I picked up my coffee and went to take a sip... only to realize the cup was empty. Did I grab the wrong one? I checked each of the other three cups beside me. Nope. All empty.

I glances over at the counter, checking to see how busy it was in the little coffee shop. The barista seemed to have a few people in line, so I didn't want to bother him yet. My caffeine addiction could handle a few more minutes without it. Instead, I turned my attention back to the story I had been writing.

Maybe I was just missing something... like maybe there was something I didn't know or hadn't ever experienced and that was what was keeping me from getting this right.

Just as I'm about to give up for the day and close my laptop, a cup of coffee comes into view. I looked up, seeing who this stranger was who dared to interrupt me.

He was a rather handsome fellow and held a second cup in his other hand. I carefully take the one offered to me. "Mind if I join you?"

"Knock yourself out."

As he sits, I take a sip of the coffee he brought me. Right away, I smile. My favorite... also my usual whenever I was here.

"You're here a lot," he hummed, eyes not quite meeting mine.

I saved my work and closed the laptop. It would be rude to go back to writing while I had a guest... and to be honest, the distraction was quite welcome. "I find it a lot easier to write when I'm here. Plus the endless supply of coffee can't hurt."

He laughed softly. "I suppose you can't have too much coffee."

As I'm about to speak, someone new, a redhead who seemed rather friendly with the strange guy, came up, poking at the male's cheek. "You seriously suck at flirting SemiSemi. Just ask her for her number already. Even Wakatoshi can flirt better than you can."

I raised my eyebrow at the playful redhead. "SemiSemi, huh?"

"Tendo, I told you not to call me that..."

The redhead, Tendo, merely shrugged. "Seriously, just grow pair and ask her for her number."

I can't help but roll my eyes. "You know, there's such a thing as being subtle. You might want to try it sometime.

At that point, Tendo seemed to have gotten bored. He shrugged and wandered off to join a couple of other guys at another table. If I had to guess, there were good friends.

Finally free from the redhead though, I turned my attention to the other male. "So... SemiSemi, is it?" He hadn't given me his name, so all I had was the nickname.

SemiSemi frowned. "Not you too..." He sighed lightly. "It's Semi. Eita Semi."

"Semi, then." I liked it. The same seemed to suit him. "I take it that was a friend of yours?" I glanced at Tendo and the others he was with now.

"Friend might be a bit of a stretch..." Just the look on his face was enough to know that this little encounter had been Tendo on good behavior. I didn't want to imagine what bad behavior looked like. "We're old teammates... played volleyball together in high school."

"Mmm... so tell me Semi," I hummed, eyeing him. "What are you doing over here, when you're friends are over there?" I had a suspicion that he had actually been trying to flirt with me, but I wanted to be sure.

Semi looked away awkwardly, a faint pink tint to his cheeks. It was rather cute.  "Well... I see you in here all the time... and well... I thought you were cute, so I thought I'd try talking to you, but you're kind of hard to approach... you're always so absorbed in whatever you're typing... Not to mention I have had terrible luck with girls ever since Tendo hooked up with that one girl I liked back in our third year of high school."

I didn't really know much about him just yet, but Semi certainly seemed sweet. Before I knew it, I was picking up a pen and scrawling my number onto a napkin. "I've got to be heading out, but you give me a call sometime."

I didn't miss the smile on his face as I picked up my laptop and left. Semi... he's certainly an interesting one... I looked forward to seeing if he'd end up calling.

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