Bullies (Daichi Sawamura)

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Wizzy: I wanted to make this romantic, but I just can't picture him with a younger girl... It just seems so wrong.

Come on... almost... I could just barely touch it... What, you ask? That would be my schoolbag... which was currently sitting on top of the vending machine... Being shorter, it was just out of reach. My fingertips could just barely brush against it.

Sighing in defeat, I sat on the ground next to the machine. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. Actually, this kinda stuff happened a lot. Bullies were definitely not anything new to me. Of course, even if I was used to this by now, it didn't mean I had to like it.

I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my arms. In all honesty, I really hated this. It wasn't until a voice spoke that I dared to move.

"Are you alright?" It was a deep, manly sounding voice. At least, that's how it sounded to me.

Shifting my eyes upward, I saw a guy who didn't quite look like he was a student. He didn't quite look old enough to be a teacher though and he was wearing one of the jackets that I always saw the volleyball club wearing. Though I didn't recall ever seeing him before.

I pointed up at the top of the machine. With a small sigh, I returned my head to its previous position of resting on my knees. He doesn't speak and I'm not looking, so I assumed he'd just left. That's what everyone else always did. Suddenly, something brushed against my arms, making me look up.

The guy stood in front of me, my bag held out in front of him. My mouth fell open slightly. He'd actually helped me? That wasn't something I was used to. In fact, it had never happened before. But regardless, I gratefully accepted his kindness.

After I'd thanked him, he didn't leave right away. "Who put your bag up there?" he asked. His voice sounded amazing and it made my heart flutter. Even though I'd never mention it any other time, I couldn't stop myself from admitting the issues I'd had with the bullies and telling their names to this handsome hero of mine.

I stood near the doors to the gym. Two days ago, my three bullies and I were called into the vice principal's office. Long story short: someone reported them and they ended up suspended. Of course, no one said who'd reported them. But I had a feeling I knew exactly who.

"Hey there." The sudden voice gave me a mini heart attack. "Did you need something?"

The boy was a part of the volleyball club and was a fairly attractive guy, but he didn't compare to my handsome hero. "Um... I'm looking for someone..."

The light-haired boy smiled kindly at me. "If you tell me, maybe I can help."

"I'm looking for-" I started to speak but then realized one very important detail: I never asked him for his name. "Um... I actually don't know his name..."

"No problem," the guy said with a friendly laugh. Whoever this guy was, he was pretty cool, but he had a motherly sort of aura around him. "Just describe him and then we'll see if we can figure it out."

"Um... he's about your height, maybe a little taller," I said, trying so hard not to stutter as I tried to imagine how my savior had looked. It was actually kinda hard since I'd only ever seen him the one time. "And dark hair that's kinda short..."

"That could be a few different people," the motherly boy said. He did look like he was really thinking about it though. Maybe there was something I could think of that would help narrow it down?

"He looked like he might be a third year. Oh! His voice was kinda deep and manly." My heart raced as I remembered it. At that moment I heard a similar one speaking to someone else. I pointed in the direction the sound came from. "Like that one." Wait... that voice...

A knowing look crossed his face and he nodded. "That would be our captain." I watched in silence as he called over my handsome hero. "Daichi!"

Once the guy named Daichi showed up, the motherly boy ran off to join the other boys who were practicing. Being alone once again with my hero, I began to feel incredibly nervous. I'll even bet that I was blushing too.

"Um... You-" I tried to ask if he were the one who had reported my bullies, but the words just wouldn't come out. Luckily, he'd already guessed what I'd wanted to say.

"Yes, I was the one who reported them." His answer was calm and confident. Not even the slightest touch of shame or regret for doing it. It was actually very admirable. No wonder he's the captain.

"You..." My voice faltered as I tried to speak. "You didn't have to do that!" That was too loud! Several pairs of eyes turned in our direction. "I... I would have been okay. I mean... I'm used to dealing with that kind of stuff..."

Though even if you're used to something, it didn't mean it still didn't hurt. I was almost certain he knew that too. "That doesn't mean it's okay to let them get away with it." Daichi gave me a kind smile like the motherly boy had, though something about this was different. But whatever that was I didn't know. "No one should be harassing a sweet girl like you."

I wanted to argue with him, but how could I? He was perfectly right. Besides, why was I arguing with him anyway... he'd been kind enough to help me and get rid of my bullies. Though they might only be gone temporarily.

When I didn't say anything, he gave me another smile and started to return to his team. "I need to get back to practice."

"Wait!" I reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. Instantly I let go and felt my face turning redder. (I was certain that the blush from earlier had never left.) "Um... I... I didn't get your name."

"Daichi Sawamura."

"Thank you for helping me, Sawamura-senpai."

(Daichi's POV)

"Looks like someone has a crush!" Tanaka and Nishinoya's voices teased as the little first year ran off. The team knew nothing of my encounter with her the other day, so I guess some teasing might have been appropriate... according to them.

"Tanaka, Nishinoya..." I said in a threatening tone, and they instantly froze.

"W-we meant that she seemed to have a crush on you, Captain..." the duo said in meek voices. "The w-way she was blushing like t-that and all..."

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