Stolen (Atsumu Miya)

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Wizzy: IMPORTANT! So you're gonna want to read parts 1-3 of Atsumu's other one-shots "Thief" in order to get the full context. Technically this would be Creature Collection, but can't post it there due to the rules I've set for the collection. To add this there would mean opening up all stories to the possibility of having a 4th part. And then it's just Oikawa and Kunimi all over again...
For 100% complete context, you'd also want to read Sakusa's Part 2, Hiroo's 2 parts, Ginjima's set, Osamu's 3, Daichi's 2, and Suna's parts that are over in the Creature Collection. But you don't actually have to if you don't want to. (I'd really recommend it though! They're worth the read.) Mostly it's context for how the whole kitsune stuff works in this instance.
Anyways... I was craving some Kitsune Atsumu fluff... and then this happened. It kind of is fluff? He's kind of being cute... Also, don't forget about votes and comments! They're always appreciated.

"Do ya really have to stay here?"

"Atsumu..." The male stared up at me with pleading eyes. On top of his head, fox ears were pinned back. "I... I can't just pick up and move just like that..."

His face buried into my neck. "'s not fair..." As sorry as I felt about it, there was no way I could just drop everything and run off with him.

Gentle fingers stroked his furry ears. His tail flicked ever so slightly. I swear this kitsune was bad for my heart... I never could stay mad at him... and resisting him had always been hard. "Atsumu... it's only for now, okay? Just until I can figure out what to do about the flower shop..."

It was my grandmother's, but she was too old and tired to actually run it anymore... and my mother had an impressive talent of killing any plants that she dared to touch. I was the only one who worked and maintained it... and I couldn't do that while living an entire prefecture away.

His lips brushed my neck. "It's not fair... I had to wait so long... Been waiting eight years just to get you to look my way... and now you want me to wait even longer?" Even if he had to wait more, this was still closer than he'd ever gotten before.

"It won't be that long... I promise..."

Atsumu moved back a bit, eyes locking with mine as he stared down at me. "You mean it?" I nodded. "Ya promise that you're mine? Forever? No matter what stupid thing I do?"

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Atsumu, if I could still love you even after you stole my underwear back in high school, then nothing you could do would make me not love you."

"Then... can I confess something?" I hummed, signaling for him to go on. "I... you remember how we used to take naps under the tree?" Of course, I remembered. "And how I kept doing stupid things to get your attention....?" The more Atsumu said, the more anxious he looked. What could he possibly have to be nervous about?

Atsumu let out a slow breath. "You remember back when I took your panties? Well... of all the stupid stunts I pulled, that one wasn't to get your attention... I..." He looked down, fox ears pinning back. "I was scared... I wasn't planning to do it... I just wanted to cuddle with ya like I usually did... but I was still really excited after practice... and then you moved around and kind of rubbed up against me... You're a really heavy sleeper, you know that?"

The kitsune refused to meet my eyes but stayed cuddled up next to me. "I... I thought it would be harmless... I was just gonna sniff ya a little... and then a little turned into a lot... Just kept thinking that just a little more wouldn't hurt... and 'fore I knew it, I..." Atsumu glanced up at me, faint red dusting his cheeks and a conflicted expression on his face. "I... I might have... humped ya a little... more than little... It really only was going to be a little! But then... it felt good... way too good... and then I.. on... on you..." He hurried his face in my chest, in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. The heat from his face gave him away though. His next words were muffled. "I... I was scared that if I told you, you'd hate me... so I tried to cover it up..."

Knowing what I knew of him, he would have been in fox form when this had happened... I also one what kitsune were foxes before they were humans, meaning that they were more in tune with animal instincts than most other nonhumans. Essentially it was the equivalent of your dog randomly deciding to hump your leg... but if your dog was actually intelligent enough to know better...

"Atsumu... you know that was technically assault, don't you?" His silence was more than enough of an answer. Honestly, if he weren't a kitsune, he could get into serious trouble for something like that... Still, I had to admit that it took a lot of courage to confess to doing something like that. "Atsumu..." I ran my hand through his beautiful blonde hair.

He tilted his head just slightly, his brown eyes peeking up at me. "I... I've fucked up a lot... I know that... Seems like I can never do anything right when you're involved..." He lowered his head again. "I... If you don't want to be my mate anymore... I... I understand..."

"Atsumu, look at me." He lifted his head just enough to meet my eyes. "You told me that kitsune mate for life, remember? Even if I am a human and I'm not bound to your customs, I'm not going back on my word... I knew what I was getting into when I agreed..." His eyes lit up. If I had decided to back out, I knew that he'd still hang on to his feelings and still think of me as his mate, even if he had to be all alone... a forever one-sided love. I couldn't put him through that. "I love you, Atsumu. Nothing is going to change that."

A grin lights up his face and before I have the time to react, he's got me pinned down on my bed. "If that's the case... I'm not letting you leave this bed until you're filled with my kits."

Atsumu... he's such an animal... but I wouldn't have him any other way. After all, it was this fox that stole my heart... among other things.

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