I Wish (Chikara Ennoshita)

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When I'd made up my mind to confess to the boy I'd had a crush on, I never expected to feel this nervous about it. We were friends, sort of. He was on the same volleyball team as my older brother and I spent a lot of time with the team, so I guess that counts as friends.

Today there was no practice, so I finally had my chance. As everyone was starting to head home, I ran up to the one I'd been waiting to see. "Ennoshita!"

At the sound of his name being called, he turned to face me. "Hey Little Suga," Ennoshita smiled.

It was hard not to frown at being called that, but I managed to keep a smile on my face. My brother's teammates, or anyone who knew him, never called me by my name. No, I was just Little Sugawara and probably always would be. I guess it could have been a bad sign.

My heart was beating like crazy. Had it always raced like this when I was around him? "I wanted to talk to you about something." It was so hard not to stutter. Lucky for me, I could be a good actress when I needed to be.

Before I had a chance to say anything more, some second-year girl came from out of nowhere, interrupting me. "Hey Chika," she giggled, linking her arm in his.

At that sight, I'd lost all courage to say what I'd wanted to. Of course, a guy like Ennoshita would have a girlfriend... She was pretty and a second year, why wouldn't he like her? I was just an average little first year, why would someone like him care for me? But even as much as it made my heart ache, I put on a fake smile.

Ennoshita's smile never left his face. "What did you need?"

I shook my head. "I was just going to ask if you could help me with some math problems that I was having trouble understanding," I quickly lied, preparing to run off. He'd helped me with homework before, so it was a believable excuse. "But I see you're busy, so I'll just ask Koushi instead."

With a quick goodbye, I ran off like I was looking for my brother. But that hadn't really been what I was doing. No, I was just looking for somewhere where I could be alone. But instead, I found my older brother Koushi.

I could feel tears about to spill out. There was no holding them back. I let out a little laugh as I felt them slip out. "I-I don't really know why I'm crying..." While I may have said that, the two of us knew that it wasn't true. But I knew if I said that, my brother would never question it; he'd just hug me until I felt better.

(Ennoshita's POV)

When Little Sugawara had run off, she seemed upset. But I couldn't begin to guess why. Maybe it was nothing; after all, she had been acting like she was fine. Then again, she could be a good actress sometimes.

"You know, I don't think that's what she really wanted to say," said the girl who was currently hanging onto my arm. Gently, I pulled my arm away from her. She might have feelings for me, but my feelings were for someone else. Today I was only walking her home because she'd insisted on it.

She was right though, there had been something else that Little Suga had wanted to say. It wasn't hard to figure that out. But as to what she'd wanted to say, I had no idea.

"I bet she wanted to confess to you."

"Little Suga doesn't think like that," I sighed, shaking my head. "And if she did, it wouldn't be me." I didn't dare mention that I'd had feelings for her. Not like it mattered anyway: she'd never think of me that way. At most I'd probably only be like a brother, just like the rest of the team. "I'll just have to ask her about it some other time." As we continued along, I kept a smile on my face, despite the small ache I now felt.

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