No Love (Yuuji Terushima)

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The room is silent except for the faint sound of breathing. It's 3 AM, but he can't sleep quite yet. Beside him is the man's most recent conquest.

Yuuji Terushima is no stranger to this. How many times has he been here in the place? In this very same moment? In the bed of a woman whose name he'll never remember, though her face he'll probably never forget.

It shouldn't bother him, the way he keeps going back to this behavior, yet it does. Living a life of meaningless sex... a life void of that emotion that is said to conquer all... a life without love. In truth, it's not much of a life at all. As they say: a life without love is no life at all.

His gaze trails over her body slowly. She's an attractive girl; he still thinks so even now that he's starting to sober up a bit. She seems like a good girl too. That's a problem.

He's not the kind of guy who functions well in a relationship... In the end, he'd just end up breaking her heart and he'd be right back where he started... living a life all his own and acting like he didn't care if he hurt anyone at all.

It wasn't like he wanted to be this kind of a guy... it just came so naturally. Playing around was always just a part of him... getting serious had never really been a thought on his mind.

For a moment, he thought back to high school... to a girl he'd dated. She was such a lovely girl... and honestly, there was a brief moment that he thought he might have loved her. She'd been a good girl... well, maybe not good in the innocent sense, but more so that she wasn't someone to just screw around so mindlessly... not like he was now.

Back then, he'd messed things up. Badly. He'd met someone new and thought it would be worth shattering the heart of the girl who'd stuck by him, but oh how wrong he'd been. He never saw her again, but he was sure that he'd never stop regretting how stupid he'd been.

Maybe this was for the best... maybe he wasn't meant to have much more than this. A life of endless play, but no reward waiting at the end for him to win. Those who only play around can't ever win... because only those who can get serious can reach the victory.

It's at least another hour before he can even think about sleeping. Nights like this were the worst... nights where his mind can't help but wander through all of the memories... all of the mistakes.

No, Yuuji Terushima is no stranger to this life... this feeling. No matter what he might want, this is what he is... a man who knows no love.

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