Penis! (Kanji Koganegawa)

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Wizzy: So, I got a request for a funny Koganegawa story, and then later I was chatting with a friend about Soulmate AUs and then this was born. Don't worry, this is actually quite clean, except for a little swearing.

Most people are excited to meet their soulmates. Me? I can't really say. Judging from the word written on my wrist, he's going to either be a pervert or a total weirdo. I mean seriously, who the hell says that to a person they've never met?! Needless to say, my words aren't ones that you hear in everyday conversation.

I've always kept my word covered, either with my sleeves or with some kind of bandage. Better to save myself the trouble and not get made fun of for have such a strange word permanently stuck on my arm. When I found this guy, I was definitely going to have to hurt him.

Sighing, I continued down the quiet hallway. It was after classes, so pretty much everyone had either gone home or they were meeting with their club. Me? I was just running a last-minute errand for one of the teachers.

As I walked, my mind wandered to my soulmate. What would he be like? If he even was a he, anyways... For all I knew it could be another girl. I hoped not. Even though I am a girl myself, I found other girls kind of... repulsive. Girls were just a serious turn-off for me.

I shook the idea from my head. It's not like it really mattered right now anyway. I probably wouldn't meet them for at least a few years, so there was no point thinking about it now. Of course, little did I know, meeting my soulmate was much closer than I'd thought it would be.

As I walked along and was about turn around a corner in the hallway, someone jumped in front of me. Startled, I dropped the stack of papers I'd been carrying, scattering them across the floor of the hall. But that didn't matter as the word he'd shouted reached my ears. "Penis!"

I froze and my jaw fell open. This guy I recognized as Kanji Koganegawa, a member of the boys' volleyball team and currently their official setter since Moniwa and the other third years were no longer able to play. However, it was the word that he said that caught my attention, for it was the very same word that's been on my wrist all these years.

Now, any girl would normally be thrilled at finding their soulmate so early in life, but me? I had a very different reaction. Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy to have found mine, but that wasn't the first thought on my mind.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?"

Moments Earlier...

"Senpai, are you really sure that this is going to help me be a better setter?" Koganegawa asked, glancing slightly downward at his club captain. He failed to see how hiding behind a corner in the school hallway and then suddenly jumping out and shouting "Penis!" at whoever was passing by at the time would help him with volleyball.

"Of course it will," Futakuchi insisted with a grin. He was trying so hard not to laugh.

The first year was still very skeptical of his senpai's plan, but hey, if his captain was sure it would help him...

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