Baby (Kenjiro Shirabu)

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Wizzy: Based partially on actual events. Obviously, I didn't get to have a Shirabu. But just so ya know, Wizzy is a huge baby when it comes to needles. This is based on a couple of weeks back when Wizzy had a very shitty morning and thinking about Doctor Shirabu was her only comfort. So here we have some Timeskip Shirabu!

This is definitely not how I'd expected my Friday morning to go. I had the day off work and was actually looking forward to sleeping in... but life had other plans.

I'm not a morning person. Not in the slightest. So waking up at five in the morning was already a shitty way to start the morning. Normally I'd simply roll over and try to go back to sleep, but apparently not today.

No, my body decided that it wanted to have sharp, constant pain on the right side of the middle of my back. Maybe it will pass in a few minutes, I'd thought, but no... it only got worse. And to make matters worse, I know that it could very well be something seriously wrong since right around that area there are some very important organs. Not to mention I don't exactly put a lot of effort into being healthy...

And that brings us to this: an early morning visit to the emergency room. Hell of a way to start the morning, right?

It's gone decently, so far. The doctor was nice enough and it seemed like this wasn't going to be anything serious. Of course, there was still pain, because we hadn't quite gotten to dealing with that yet.

The minute they'd told me what they were planning to do though, I started freaking out a little. Okay, maybe more than a little.

The nurse is a nice enough lady. I like her. She preps some things that I don't even dare to look at when I hear her call out to someone who happened to be walking by the room I was in. "Shirabu! Come here!"

I look to see who she's talking to as he stops and looks. "I'm busy," he said, though he didn't seem like he was in any hurry to get anywhere.

"That wasn't a request. Get in here." The nurse lady is apparently scary... though to me she'd been nothing but sweet. Shirabu did as he was told, not daring to talk back. Maybe she was his senior or something. "Good. Now stand over there." She then smiled at me. "Now, you just hold his hand and focus on the handsome grump over there, and I'll get this IV out in."

I glance at the guy beside me. He very clearly doesn't want to be here. "Why do I have to hold her hand?"

"Because I said so." She gives him a rather intimidating glare. "She doesn't handle these things well... bad enough that it's made very clear in her medical records. Now shut up, look pretty and let the girl hold your damn hand for emotional support."

Shirabu doesn't bother trying to argue this time. He sighs and offers his hand. As weird as I feel about the idea of holding some stranger's hand, I don't hesitate to take it. Just the idea of it is some comfort.

Internally, I'm still freaking out really badly. Something touches my arm that isn't clinging to Shirabu's hand and I instinctively try to pull it away, but luckily the nurse was smart enough to hold it in place.

Shirabu rolled his eyes at me. "That's just a cotton ball. She's just cleaning it before-"

"I know." I really don't need him to say it. This isn't going to go well. I'm way too worked up...

The way I'm acting is insanely embarrassing and I'm painfully aware of it. I'm whimpering and feeling like I want to pass out... and that's before I've even been stabbed. After it's in and she's drawing some blood for tests? Add in some crying and feeling like throwing up. Thankfully the throwing up part doesn't happen.

When it's all done, the nurse leaves to take the blood to be tested. Shirabu, despite what I would have thought, stayed behind. Maybe he just didn't want her dragging him into something else.

He let out a sigh and stared at me. "You have got to be the biggest baby I have ever seen..." Even as he said that though, he still hadn't let go of my hand. Maybe he was waiting for me to let go first.

Slowly, I released his hand. I know better than to look at my other arm where the IV is, so instead I look at Shirabu. It's then that I realize that he actually was rather handsome, as the nurse had said. I also noticed that he looked about my age. Maybe he was still a student even...

"You don't have to stay... I don't freak out as badly when they take it out, so I'm fine now..." I felt bad that he got dragged into this.

"No point now... I've already missed half of my break..." Shirabu sighed. Now I really felt bad. "Not sure I want to still be here by the time she gets back though..."

He lingered only a moment longer before leaving. As much of an attitude as he has, having him here had been a huge help... I'd handled this much better than I usually did. Now if only I were a bolder person, I might have thought about asking for his number... but then again, I did just have probably the most embarrassing moment for a first impression... Maybe it's better that I'm not that bold after all.

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