Forgive Me (Tsutomu Goshiki)

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Wizzy: Yeah... don't ask. Based on a dream I had. The only reason it's Goshiki is because that's who it was in the dream.  Also, this has a much more pleasant ending than the dream.

When you're not a volleyball player or even a fan, it makes dating a volleyball player difficult. It's even harder when you both go to different schools. He's at Shiratorizawa; I'm at Tokonami. He's obsessed with volleyball; I know practically nothing about it. Pretty weird couple, right? Everyone always wonders how we ended up together; sometimes I wonder about it too.

Because he had practice on most days, I didn't really get to see him much. Mostly only once a week on the weekends. It did bother me that I rarely got to see him, but I knew he was working hard to become the ace, so I never dared to mention that it upset me. In fact, I rarely ever mentioned when he did something that upset me. Just like right now.

Because of the festival going on today, his coach had given everyone a day off so that they could enjoy it. It was a nice little day off for him and a chance for me to spend time with him. However, the time I had with my boyfriend was cut short when we ran into a few others from his volleyball club.

Even though I'd seen them a few times, I really didn't know them at all. In fact, I doubt I could even guess their names. I wasn't the most social person and I didn't know much about volleyball, so I soon found myself being left out of the conversation. Honestly, I doubted any of them realized I was even there still.

This wasn't the first time this has happened... In fact, this same thing has happened every single time that we've run into his friends. Goshiki would always get talking to his friend and then I'd be left standing there, like some random person who just felt like standing next to him instead of his girlfriend.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt when he did this, but it's not like he did it on purpose. Goshiki would never ignore me on purpose... at least, I hoped he wouldn't. But even so, it hurt more than anything to feel like it didn't even matter that I was there or not.

I held his jacket tighter around me. When I was shivering a little earlier, he'd put it around my shoulders, just like any good boyfriend would. Now it felt like a reminder of how much more important volleyball was to him. That made my heart ache even more.

Would he even notice if I left him standing here? I'm sure he would once his friends were gone, but would he even notice until then? I doubted it. Letting out a mental sigh, a cast a quick glance up at him. He didn't even notice at all. Was I that unimportant? I could feel tears in the corners of my eyes as I turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd without saying a word.

I wondered how long it'd take for him to even notice that I wasn't there anymore. For a moment I even considered going back, but I didn't really want to see him right now. Not when my heart felt like it did right now.

As I wandered around on my own, I didn't run into any trouble. Maybe it was because I was still wearing his volleyball jacket; after all, Shiratorizawa was supposed to be one of the top schools in the prefecture, so you'd have to be pretty stupid to mess with anyone from there.

After what felt like hours, I could hear him calling my name. Hurried footsteps soon followed. As much as I should have just stood there and waited for him, that's not what happened. Instead, I just ran off again.

His volleyball practices certainly gave him an advantage as he chased after me. Goshiki's hand reached out and I could feel him grab a hold of the jacket, trying to stop me. However, I simply slid out of it and took off. While he had the advantage of longer legs, height, stamina, and speed, that wasn't much help in this crowd. No, my small size gave me the advantage, allowing me to disappear once more into the crowd.

I didn't stop until I couldn't see or hear him behind me anymore. Maybe it was wrong of me to run from him, but I didn't feel like I could face him just yet. I was still hurting too much.

However, being a cute girl and all alone... that was practically asking for trouble. And I certainly found trouble. Or rather, trouble found me. It didn't take long for two guys to notice a girl wandering about all on her own.

I didn't say much when the slightly shorter one kept trying to talk to me, insisting that I give him my number. The guy was attractive but way too pushy. Even if Goshiki wasn't as good-looking, he was certainly a much better guy and I loved him. No way was I about to give some strange guy my number... though being trapped by the two didn't exactly leave me many options.

Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with them anymore. Someone quickly came to my rescue and I can honestly say that I've never been happier to see him. It didn't take long for Goshiki to chase them off, especially when a taller teammate of his joined us.

The first chance I got, I ran to him and hugged him tightly. This was my fault, I knew that, but knowing that he cared enough to come after me made my heart feel happy. Because of this, I knew that he cared; I was important to him. That alone made the tears I'd held back until now start pouring out.

He might not have known why I was crying, but it didn't really matter right now. I was just simply happy to be here in his arms. "I was really worried..." He didn't say anything more. Neither of us apologized, but we really didn't need to... we already knew it and had already forgiven each other. I forgave him for getting distracted and ignoring me; he forgave me for running away from him. And even if we didn't say it, we loved each other and that was all that mattered.

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