Idiot (Koutaro Bokuto) *Mature*

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Wizzy: Okay, so this is Bakato's lemon. Hope you enjoy Bakato's lemon.

Upon entering my boyfriend's bedroom, I found him exactly how his mother had said. Sulking on his bed, head resting on his knees. At the sight of me, he instantly turned his back to me. Yep, just like his mom had said. He was in one of his moods again.

Without a word, I crept over to him and climbed onto his bed behind him. Bokuto didn't move. "Bakato..." I purred, placing a tender kiss just below his ear from behind. His body tensed slightly, but he didn't acknowledge that I'd even done anything. "Koutaro, you better not be ignoring me!" I said in a threatening voice. That, I knew, would definitely get his attention.

He spun around with a pouty expression on his face. "How come you only use my first name when you're mad at me?" I gave him a look but didn't answer him. "It's only ever 'Bokuto' or 'Bakato' when you're in a playful mood... You don't even call me by my name during sex..."

You're kidding me, right? Was that seriously what he was all moody about? A stupid little detail like me not calling him by his first name? It's not like there was a reason for it... it just never felt right to call him that except when I was angry or annoyed with him. "Is it really bothering you that much?"

Bokuto nodded. "Akaashi's girlfriend calls him by his first name all the time. But you never do and we've been together a lot longer..."

"Keiji has a girlfriend?" Without thinking, I called his best friend by his first name. No doubt that would make my darling Bakato feel even worse.

He frowned even more. "You call him by his first name, but not me?"

Okay, I'll admit, I screwed up. Big time. I had to hurry up and take his mind off of it.

I reached out and took his face in my hands. "You're the only one I love enough to give a nickname to." Leaning in, I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "It's never felt right to call you anything else, and I like your nickname... You're my Bakato..."

"Being called an idiot isn't exactly a turn on though..." he mumbled, fighting back a smile. Slowly, I was pulling him out of his mood. "I want you to say my name, just one time. Without you being mad at me."

After giving him one more kiss, I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Make me..." Being so close, I could feel his body heat up. He knew I was challenging him and was ready to accept it.

Barely a second after I'd backed away, Bokuto had pulled me into his lap and roughly crashed his lips into mine. His kiss was needy and heated; his hands were roaming over every inch of skin he could get to.

Breaking the kiss, he shifted his attention down to my neck, His lips moved all over, like he was searching for something. Then as he brushed against one spot, a soft moan escaped me. There he stopped and fiercely began to attack it in any way he could while his hands stripped me of my clothing and mine were busy trying to rid him of his.

Once I was freed of my clothes, he roughly pushed me down on his bed. The sort of roughness he was using right now was different than how Bokuto usually was. Not that I was complaining. If a little motivation could turn my sweet Bakato into this, then I'd have to challenge him more often.

He looked down at me. That look in his eyes was one I hadn't seen before. Dark and animalistic was the only way I could think of to describe it. I was in trouble and I knew it.

Bokuto's lips pressed against my neck one more time before trailing downwards. He lingered a moment on my breasts but soon went further down. This was something he'd never done before, so when something hot and wet brushed against the area between my legs, the sound that escaped me was one of surprise and pleasure.

His tongue ran along my slit at a very slow, teasing pace. He kept going like that, occasionally dipping his tongue inside a bit and brushing against my clit. I'd get so close and then he'd slow himself, keeping me there in that helpless state.

The longer he kept it up, the hazier my mind became up I had no idea what was going on anymore. All I knew was that what he was doing felt amazing and that I was moaning and saying something. I don't even know what it was.

Then all of sudden he stops and his face is in front of mine. My lower half is aching, screaming for some sort of release. If his hands weren't pinning mine down I might have done it myself just because I needed it that badly.

But I can feel my release slipping a little further away and my mind is clearing now. There's a look in his eyes that's different from before. When he speaks, his voice comes out soft and it's almost hard to hear his words through his panting. "Say it again..."

He's begging me to say more, but I don't even know what it was that I'd said... wait... maybe it was his name? That had to be it. I challenged him to make me say his name and he'd succeeded. Now he just wants to hear it one more time. "Say my name..." his voice begged me.

How could I resist? I want him so bad that I'd say almost anything to stop this aching. "Koutaro..." My voice came out as little more than a whisper, but that was more than enough for him. He'd gotten what he'd wanted and as he gave me what I wanted, I probably called his name at least ten more times.

When it was all done and over, I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. I was so worn out, yet Bokuto had been the one who'd done everything. Even he was hardly awake. And even though I doubted he would hear me, I couldn't help but say one last thing before letting sleep take me. "I love you, Koutaro..."

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