Secret 3 (Kenjiro Shirabu)

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Wizzy: Will you get the guy? Will I make you cry? Will Wizzy be a merciful senpai?
Seriously though, I like that picture of Shirabu way too much...

"Shirabu, can I talk to you?"

My ears perked up as I heard the male's name. It doesn't sound like someone I recognized, but it was most definitely a girl's voice. I stopped midway through reaching for a book on the library shelf.

"What?" His response was so calm... like it was just some everyday conversation.

I can't see either of them right now, but knowing Shirabu like I do, he's sitting at a table, textbooks scattered about the table, his eyes not even bothering to look at the girl.

"Well... you see... I was wondering..." It didn't take a genius to see where this was going. "... if maybe... I could be your girlfriend?"

It had never really occurred to me that he could ever actually have a girl be into him, but if I thought about it, I had to admit I could see how someone could be attracted to him. He was a good-looking guy, no doubt about it, not to mention that he was a starter for our volleyball team. Even if his personality was a little bit... rough, but it shouldn't have been a surprise for a girl to be into him.

"Look, I don't have time for that kind of thing until after the Spring tournament is over." It's no lie, of course. Between his studies and volleyball, there wasn't really room for anything else. Even our little hookups were extremely limited.

The girl should have given up right then. "You don't have to answer now... just... maybe after the tournament..."

"I'll think about it."

I don't know what irritated me more, the thought she was stupid enough to be like that or the simple fact that she was into him...

There was no denying that he'd been on my mind a lot more lately, but realizing that I might lose him to someone else... drove me crazy.

I didn't dare to tell Shirabu about what I overheard that day. It shouldn't have even mattered to me in the first place. I know that... I know... and yet... I can't seem to help but be irritated by it. Even when I had another moment alone with him, it wouldn't let me be.

Shirabu is acting exactly as he always does... and really, it would be a very welcome distraction... but even this can't seem to take my mind off of the girl's confession. Unfortunately, it's all too obvious to him that something is holding me back today... keeping me from being able to get into the moment.

"Alright, what's wrong?" Would it kill him to sound the slightest bit concerned? Probably.

I looked at the floor, my back to him as usual. "Nothing."

"Obviously it's not nothing."

I hate how right he is... I hate how he can see right through me... "I..." It kills me to have to say it, but if I don't, then I know that I'll hate myself for it later. "I don't want you to go out with her..."

Shirabu didn't say a word. I knew what was coming though... I'd have to be a complete fool not to... He grabbed me by the seem and turned me to face him. "I thought I told you not to get any romantic ideas."

I can't help but feel a little ashamed. It's not that I'd fallen for him; I was sure that I hadn't. And yet... for some reason, thinking about him being with some other girl was painful. "It's not..." I wanted to deny ut, but no matter what I tried, the words just wouldn't come.

"We both agreed that there'd be no strings attached," he said. As if I needed a reminder... "It's not like I'm the only werewolf here. There's plenty. Take your pick. You'd be happy with any of them."

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