Closure (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: I've been craving some SemiSemi. Sadly I can never find anything decent for him...

A line here... a little shading there... It seems like I'm always drawing these days...

I've always enjoyed drawing things that I saw... including my classmates. Lately though, I've come to realize that one of them seems to star in my artwork much more than any other.

It started as simply as me thinking that he was cute. As time went on though, and I saw more of him, that view of him began to change.

We've never spoken, but that that is okay with me. I've never been very good when it comes to words, so I wouldn't even know what to say to even begin with. Even so, there's one thing that I do know for sure about him...

I like him...

I... I like Semi a lot...

It's crazy, I know, to fall for someone who I've never spoken to... I wouldn't be surprised if he had no idea who I even was.

Even still, my feelings won't change.

As I put the finishing touches on the drawing, I think that this just might be my best one yet. It's almost painful to look at that smoldering look on the penciled face. Could he ever look at me like that? Probably not...

I know that he'd never notice someone like me... I've never been one to stand out... If he were going to fall for someone, it definitely wouldn't be me. Honestly, I don't think I've even been anywhere close to him

As I think on it more, I pull out a new sheet of paper and begin to write. I've never been that great with words, but something was telling me that now was the time... time to finally get it all out. Until I dated to put my feelings into words, I could never move on with my life... Whether moving on meant that he became mine or that I let my feelings go, I didn't know.

It takes no more than ten minutes to put my words to paper. I don't even sign my name. Admittedly, I'm no writer, but I felt like this was enough. I folded the note up and place it in an envelope, along with my latest drawing. I know that this is probably stupid, but it was something I had to do.

I made my way over to where his dorm room was. I should have felt nervous. Any normal girl would have been... and yet, I felt oddly at ease.

I stopped just outside his door. I couldn't hear anything from inside. He was probably still at volleyball practice. Guess that made this easier. Before I can lose my nerve, I slip the little envelope under his door and walk away.

I won't wait around for an answer... I probably already know what it would be anyway. He's an attractive guy... and honestly, any girl would be lucky to have his attention. A girl like me, I've never done anything to earn his attention... I'm just a silent admirer. Maybe that was for the best.

As I headed back to my dorm, I couldn't help but feel a bit lighter... like a small weight had been lifted off my shoulders. This was my closure to my unrequited feelings... and now, I could finally begin to heal.

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