Not Again (Koushi Sugawara)

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Wizzy: Have a little Suga Soulmate AU.

For the longest time, I was excited about the idea of soulmates. I wondered what she'd be like. Would she be taller than me or shorter? Would she have dark hair or light? Shy or outgoing? I was really looking forward to it... then I started to worry that I might never find mine. But all of that changed when I found her during my final year of high school.

"We match." When I'd seen it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I'd seen my own mark several times every single day since the very day I was born; I would know it anywhere.

The girl was a classmate of Tanaka's, but I'd never met her until now. I certainly hadn't expected her to be my soulmate, but I was happy that I'd actually found her. However, her reaction was nothing like my own.

She looked angered by my words. Did she not want a soulmate? I thought everyone did, but maybe I was wrong. "Do you really expect me to believe that?"

Her words were harsh and cold, but I had a feeling there was more to it than that. She tried to walk away, but I grabbed her hand. "Wait!" I had to know why she was pushing me away.

"I'm not falling for that again," she snapped at me, roughly pulling her hand away from me.

Something wasn't right about this. It wasn't until she was already gone that I realized it.

"That's pretty cold," Tanaka said beside me. It almost sounded like he was laughing at me. "You finally find your girl and she shoots you down before you even have a chance to ask her name."

Normally I'd have scolded him for saying something like that, but my mind was on something else. "Did you hear what she said?"

"What do you mean?" I should have expected that he wouldn't get it. Tanaka wasn't exactly the most observant guy.

"She said 'again.'" I gave him a moment to think about it, but he didn't seem to really get it. "That means someone else has claimed to have been her soulmate."

"But you only get one," Tanaka said. What he said was true, so that could only mean one thing.

I looked off in the direction she'd left in. "I'm guessing that means the other one lied about it."

"But how is that even possible?"

It was a fair question, but the answer to it made me feel sick. This whole situation was. "If no one's seen your mark, then how can anyone tell if you're lying?"

(Reader's POV)

I won't fall for that lie again. Not only did that lie make me stop believing in soulmates, but it also made me give everything to the wrong guy. All because of one simple sentence.

I won't ever fall for that again...

Two weeks passed by and that guy still insisting on trying to talk to me. But every time, I'd found some excuse to get away before he could even say a thing. I wasn't going to let myself fall for anyone ever again.

Today I had yet to encounter him. I was surprised by that, but also relieved. The less I interacted with him, the better. Handsome guys like him were never decent ones; I'd learned that one pretty quickly.

Though I had to admit, there was a tiny part of me that was a little disappointed. Was I that unimportant? But I guess that really did prove that he wasn't really my soulmate as he claimed.

The day ended without him making any attempts to talk to me. If I hadn't seen him a few times throughout the school day, I'd have wondered if he even showed up. So after the day was done, I headed home alone.

As I walked, my mind started drifting to the person who claimed he was my soulmate. What if he hadn't been lying? Then I would have treated him badly for no reason. What if he was actually a nice guy after all? I'd feel horrible about the way I've been.

Continuing on my way, my thoughts began arguing with each other. The guy was still a stranger and already he was on my mind too much. It was bad enough that I almost thought I heard him calling out to me.

"Hey!" There it was again. Wait... that wasn't in my head at all.

I turned around to find him running up to me. Turning back, I decided to run. But the guy was faster and I was stopped before I could go more than a few steps.

"Why do you keep running from me?" he asked, not even looking me in the eye. I didn't want to answer. I tried to pull my arm free and run off, but his grip only tightened. "What are you so afraid of?"

Afraid? Yeah, I guess I was afraid. But wouldn't anyone? "I..." I almost couldn't bring myself to admit the truth. "I'm scared that this will end up like before... Someone lies about who they really are and then I fall for them and in the end, I'm left a shattered mess..."

He released his grip on my arm, allowing me the chance to run. "Can I at least have a chance to get to know you?" One hand gripped the end of his sleeve. After seeing that I wasn't going to run, he slowly pulled it up, exposing a mark that was an exact match for mine. "We're supposed to be soulmates, but I'll settle for being a friend... if you'll let me try..."

I didn't really realize it then, but it was those words that made me start falling for Koushi Sugawara, the most caring and wonderful guy I would ever know.  

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